No Longer

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I sat down on my bed and sobbed. My heart was empty and I didn't have anyone with me. Brook had gone home to give me some space but what I really wanted was some comfort. I had opened up to George about everything no one knows, and I didn't trust him. Brook had heard everything and I suspected he was going to tell everyone. Sniffing, I sat down at my dressing table and looked at myself. I looked a mess, my eyes sagged and my cheeks stained wirh black mascara. I didn't know what to do. I just screamed to get my anger out and threw perfumes, mirrors anything at the wall. I stopped to look around and flopped onto my bed. What had I come to? I heard footsteps come up the stairs and Hannah dived on me pulling me into the biggest hug and stroking my hair.
"It's alright. Brooklyn only told me, it's okay." She kissed my forehead.
"I've ruined everything." I broke down in her arms and she is like a sister to me. The sister I never had.

Hannah had left for home and I was sat on the couch, reminiscing the last couple of days. I let tears roll down my cheeks and I grabbed my phone.

Me:: "Hey, can we talk? Be at mine in 10 xoxo"

Gorgeous❤💋:: "Yeah sure, I'll be round soon."

I sat with my hands in my head. I knew what I was going to do, but I couldn't believe that I was doing it.

Rye had sat on the couch when I came downstairs, and I hadn't even heard him walk in. I sat down and took a deep breath. I couldn't believe what I was doing.
"Hey." He said awkwardly.
"Hi. I don't know how to say this."
"Don't be afraid, just say it." I loved him so much, but I couldn't cause him any more pain than I already had.
"Okay, so you know since I've been with you, all I've done is made you argue and get upset? Well I can't do that anymore. We've have our good and bad times, but I can't do this. I can't see you upset anymore Rye, because I love you. They say when you love someone, the best thing you can do is let them go? I'm sorry Rye." I started to cry again and he grabbed my hand and kissed it, his eyes full of tears.
"Chloe, are you? Are you saying what I think you're saying?" I nodded and started to cry harder. Tears streamed down his precious face and he couldn't control it anymore. I pulled me into his chest with his hand on my stomach and kissed my head over and over. He got up and turned around.
"Chloe, please." I didn't say anything, and walked up to him giving him one last kiss. It was long and passionate kiss, and he pulled away, placing his hands on my hips. "Please." I let one last tear roll down my cheek and I placed my finger over his lips. I shook my head and squeezed my eyes.
"I'm sorry." I whispered, he pulled away and glared at me. He opened the door and ran out to his car. And I knew I'd never speak to him again.


It had been a couple of months since my break up with Rye. I was now 5 months into my pregnancy and things were okay. The baby was healthy, I got close to my mum with her coming to the scans and I've met up with some single mum's aswell, kind of like and intervention. Beside all of my socail activity with the groups and my mum staying wth me until I had the baby, I felt lonely. My mum screamed and ran up the stairs.
"Chloe! It's boy!" She screamed, and handed the letter to me. For some reason, the nurses weren't able to tell from my initial scan, and said they'd have to look over the photos before getting an accurate result.
"Oh my god! Just what I wanted!" I hugged her and she looked at me.
"Chloe, darling, I think it's time you spoke to someone." I still had the picture of me and Rye in a photo frame beside my bed and I looked at it every night, regretting my decisions. But I didn't know whether he could trust me again.
"Mum, I've coped so far without him. I don't need a man to survive."
"Yes, I understand that. But, Rye has a right to know. And, maybe it will bring you two close again."
"Mum, all I did was cause him upset for 2 months. He'll never trust me again." All my mum had done for 3 weeks was pester me on how I need to talk to him, which I got, she was just expecting a little too much from it.

I got up for work the next morning to see Andy sat on the sofa with my mum. I was ready to leave when he stopped me at the door.
"And where do you think you're going?" He smiled and pulled me in for a hug.
"I can't talk. I'm going to be late for work, wait until I get back." I had my keys, my jacket and my bag in my hand. I fumbled in my car before starting it up, and setting off for the twenty minute journey.

When I got into my office I logged onto my computer and started to work away. I needed to get the work done by tonight, and if I had to stay behind late I would. The pictures were for Vogue's latest cover featuring Beyonce and her twins. She was my idol, so it wasn't like I was going to delay it.

I had been working for hours when I had finally finished. I completed it earlier then expected and headed for my break. As I was walking down to the canteen, I noticed a familiar face with dressed the same way as me.
"Clara?" I asked, stopping her in her tracks. She had less makeup on and looked like she had changed completely.
"Hey Chloe. It's been a long time." And indeed she had. She wasn't snobby and she didn't seem intimidating anymore.
"You got a job! I'm so happy for you." She smiled and looked to the ground. "What, is it not the position you hoped for?" I placed my hand on her shoulder and she shook her head.
"It's not that, it's...erm. Can we talk in your office?"

She followed me to my office and I shut the blinds, whilst locking the door. I sat down behind my desk and leant forward, listening to every word she said.
"Harvey broke up with me. He said I was too needy, and that I was ruining his career because fans were getting annoyed. But that's not the part I'm bothered about. He said..." She took and breath and looked up before hesitating to say it. "He said he loved someone else. He said he needed to meet up with someone called Amelia before getting in touch with them." The thought of Amelia made my stomach churn. I hadn't thought about her since the last time I saw her with Harvey, I suppose that didn't end well either.
"Clara, look. I've been there with him. He gets into your head and makes you believe things you wouldn't even dream of. At one point, I thought that I liked him, in a relationship kind of way. If it helps, I've been through a break up recently, and now I'm a single mother. I'm doing just fine without him, men aren't everything." She looked at me and her eyes widened.
"Oh my gosh, I've been so ignorant. I heard about you and Rye. I'm so sorry, you can get through it though." We spoke all through our breaks and had dinner together. She was so funny and I knew she would be a close friend.

I dreaded the thought of having to talk to Andy when I got into my car. I really didn't want to go home and have him lecture me about how much he needs me to be there for him, how he wants to be a part of the babies life, or even worse, how Rye misses me. How Rye wants to see me again and be there for our baby.

"Hey!" Andy shouted while he looked over his shoulder. He was on iTunes looking at some sort of pre-order chart.
"You okay? What's that?" I pointed to number one, and to my shock it was their EP, I gasped and placed my hands on his shoulders. "I'm so proud of my big brother!" I came round to sit bedside him.
"Let me play you a song." He pressed on Stranger and I couldn't wait.

After listening to it, I looked at Andy breathless. It was an amazing song, but I had noticed that all the lyrics resembled mine and Rye's relationship, like he was trying to tell me something through the lyrics.
"Was that about, me?" He nodded and turned his phone off.
"Chloe, he misses you, so much. He knows that you're having a baby boy, and he can't wait. Please, just talk to him."

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