Chapter One

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All the memories were slipping..

My love for my lover..

My longing of my family..

My anger for myself..

My heartaches..

My success from my life...

Faded back to black..

I opened my eyes and saw a blurred figure of a girl sitting beside me. Adjusting to the light that was glistering above me, I stared at the girl. She is raven-haired and fair skinned. I looked around and realized that I am in a hospital. What happened to me? Who is this girl?

"V, you're awake! I'll call them!" The girl said and went out. I sat and unconsciously touched my hair. My eyes widened and when did I cut my hair? Why am I blonde? Couple of doctors and nurses went inside the room and started checking my vitals, my eyes, my condition. Clueless as I am, I followed their instructions without the slightest idea of what is happening around me and why am I in the hospital? I wonder if I hit my head or slipped off the staircase.

"We'll be checking on you from time to time." The doctor said to me and I just nodded. I hate hospitals and I don't even know why am I here. I know where I am because my father is a stock holder of this hospital. Once again, the door opened and my brothers came in. I smiled at them, so sweetly. I knew they were worried about me, they love me.

"Thank God, you're awake." Owy said and kissed my forehead. They were surrounding me and just staring at me with guilt. What happened to me? Did they play a prank on me? Or did anyone of them accidentally pushed me? I wanted to say something but my mouth could not produce any words at all.

"You can't speak yet, V. Your body is adjusting from comatose." My eyes says it all. Shocked, why would I be in coma? Did I really hit my head that hard? I heard the door opened and my father went in. He look so tired and anxious. My brothers looked at me and smiled.

"I thought I'd lose you, too." My father cried and hugged me. I felt guilty for being so clumsy. My father loves me so much and I gave him worries. He kissed my forehead and kept telling me he loves me. I wanted to giggle but I couldn't. I wanted to tell them I love them but I couldn't.

"Good evening, CEO." The doctor greeted my father. I creased my forehead, the last thing I remember was that my father was just a stockholder of this hospital. How long have I been sleeping?

"How is she?" My father asked and my brothers dropped the murmurs. Anticipating for the answer, the doctor looked at me and back to my father.

"Her lungs were filled with water but the good thing is it is somehow coping up without the machines." What happened to my lungs? Did I drown? As far as I can remember I am a good swimmer.

"Her heart is also fine by now and her wounds and injuries will heal in no time." I am completely lost about what happened to me. I wanted to ask them but I can't even speak. What did really happen to me?

"For the mean time, she'll undergo for more tests." My father just nodded and the doctor went out. The nurse injected something on my IV and I drifted off to sleep.

Two blurred faces keep appearing in my dreams, I hear laughing and screeching sound of wheels. Then it was pure black, it felt uncomfortable.

"Choose." Then I heard a gun shot, that's when I opened my eyes to gain my breath.

"What happened? Are you okay?" The girl two days ago asked me. I gained all of my strength to talk. I am very curious about her because she kept visiting me and she seems to know me very well.

"Who are you?" I stuttered, she looked shocked and confused. My brothers came in and looked at us.

"What happened?" Daniel asked her, she looks like she is about to cry. Did I say something bad? They all looked at me as if I am a lunatic.

"I'm really sorry. I don't remember." I mumbled, I can hardly speak two words. Owen looked alarmed and press the red button above my bed. It took a few second before the familiar nurses and doctors came in.

"Please wait outside." They said to my brothers and they nodded, Dredd held the girl's hand and went outside. The nurses check my vitals and the doctors asked me questions about my memories and if I remember what happened to me. I answered that I don't and the last thing I remember is that my hair is long, wavy and raven colored and that my father was a stockholder of the hospital.

"Miss Davis, it is clear that you have forgotten some of your memories. Your father was the stockholder three years ago and he is now the CEO of this hospital. You mother died eight years ago." Unable to speak, I wish I didn't bother to ask. The three years chunk of me was taken away.

"Olivia?" My father knocked on the door, he doesn't look old at all. He looks the same, he entered and kissed my forehead.

"How are you feeling, honey?" I could sense his worries, I felt bad. My father doesn't deserve to suffer from this. He lost mommy and he'd be tortured if he loses me.

"I can't." My mouth was too numb to speak. I guess I tried really hard today. The doctor excused themselves to talk to my dad.

I'm left alone, wondering what happened to me? I hit my head, filled my lungs with water and I can see bruises and wounds in my body. Did I get myself into trouble? That's impossible because my brothers guarded me all the time and no stranger could even lay their fingers on my hair. I lay back down and closed my eyes.

An unfamiliar giggle kept repeating on my head. She sound like a little girl mumbling silly things. I feel comfortable by just listening to it even if I'm on a pitch black vision, her voice is my way out. 

All I RememberМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя