29. If I Could Walk 1,000 Miles, I Would.

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"I'm not hanging up."

"Well, I'm not hanging up either."

"I can keep this up all night. You underestimate my powers."

"Right back at ya."

"Bet you'll fall asleep first."

"You're on!"

I grinned and sat up in bed,  "I'm not gonna lie, I miss you a little."

"I've only been in Boston for two days! It hasn't even been a week!"

"It seems longer than that. When are you coming back?"

"It depends," she sighed. "I'm staying with my friend Nolan right now. His friend introduced me to Marcus Gonzales, who works for a recording studio. He introduced me to his manager, and I gave him my demo. I'm supposed to go do a sample recording in a few days. It's happening fast, but Nolan and his friend are helping me."

"Should I be worrying about Nolan and his friend?"

"You don't have to worry about anyone," she assured me. "Nolan has a girlfriend; he's just doing me a favor as a friend. And besides, I've told him all about you."

"Yeah? Like what?"

"Well, I mentioned that you were big...and strong. And I might have told him that you were so dangerous, you were fired from McDonald's."

"Yes, that is quite terrifying."

"And I might have mentioned how your muscles are huge and you could give the world the middle finger and it would end on the spot."

I frowned and raised my middle finger to the mirror just to see. "Well, that's a bit of an exaggeration. I think the world's already ended, though. Or, at least, it feels like it. I miss you more than I miss actual sex, and I don't think I've ever said that."

"I'm proud of your progress," she teased, and I could feel her smile through the phone. "You shouldn't miss sex too much. I just gave you a break a few days ago."

"I know," I said with a grin. "That was an awesome way to start the month."

"You're such a guy."

"I blame biology. But you have to admit that I've made progress since August when you first met me. I mean, think about it. The first time we met, I was horrible. You got me out of trouble more than once. I was getting out of a habit almost impossible to break, all for a stupid bet too. You turned into my best friend."

"Stop getting all sappy on me," she said.

"No. Have I mentioned during this long phone conversation that I'm in like, maybe even the other L word, with you?"

"You don't have to say it," she said quietly. "I know you do. I like you too, Nick, you know I do. And I can't wait to come back and see you when I get done in Boston."

"Hopefully it'll be soon. I really do hope you're having fun though, Lena. Boston's probably a really swell place to be."

"Sure, if you like huge buildings and smoke all over the place," she snorted. "I'll take home any day. It's nice to visit, I guess, but I could never live here. It's too busy...too hectic for my taste. I miss the beach anyway."

"The beach misses you, too. I was walking it a few days ago, and you know what? I didn't find one shell."


"Really! Not a single one. It was weird."

"Maybe they were scared of you," she teased me, and I made a face that she could sense through the phone. "I would be scared of your big feet stepping on me if I were a shell."

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