Chapter 4 - Anaemia

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The lunch table was a lively one, hopping between heated discussions and senseless jokes, mostly from Lance, it turned out to be a surprisingly warm day.

Keith didn't actively participate in the conversation but he still found comfort in the lively mood. Besides, he often found his attention drawn towards the boy sitting across from him, smiling brilliantly as he spouted some brainless joke, that smile filled the pale boy's chest with an inexplicable warmth and urged his own lips into a soft arch resembling a smile.

"Oh, hey! Guys! The fairgrounds have opened up again recently, let's all go together!" Lance exclaimed excitedly before smirking and finishing, "I'll bet I can smash you all at the bumper cars"
Keith found himself releasing a short laugh at the challenge, "You joking?"
"You taking on that bet?"
"Sure, it'll be just like the arcade"
At that remark the taller boy's face flushed slightly in embarrassment.
The other two at the table exchanged glances before joining in on the bet.
Hunk was first, placing his hand down on the table he quickly established, "I'm not joining in bumper cars, I get motion sickness, but I'm betting Lance wins!"
Pidge followed with, "I'll have both of you eating my dust!"
"Alright, it's on! Tomorrow's Saturday, we meet up outside the fairground at 10am," Lance finalised, "Losers pay for drinks"
"I've got lunch covered," Hunk chimed in, to which Lance and Pidge appeared rather pleased.


The bumper car feud was quick and short, skill wise Keith was second to none, however, whilst the two boys were preoccupied only with each other Pidge had somehow managed to outsmart the two, in bumper cars, as outrageous as it sounds, and win. So of course Lance and Keith were sent off together to get drinks whilst Pidge and Hunk, who had been exempt from the bet for bringing the food, set up for lunch.

Keith didn't quite understand it but he felt oddly grateful for the extra time spent alone with Lance that this childish bet had somehow blessed him with. Unsurprisingly the Cuban boy was soon distracted from the initial goal as the two of them passed by a shooting gallery. Tugging the shorter boy along behind him he shot towards the kiosk like a child high on sugar.

"Here's something I'm positive I won't lose in!" Lance announced, clearly confident in his skill. Keith eyed the makeshift guns, he was uncertain in his skill with the gun, after all, he had always found himself to be more a man of the sword if anything, but he'd decided to give it a shot, even if only to humour his ecstatic companion.
"You're on, sharpshooter."

Keith expected Lance to be reasonably skilled considering his confidence but he hadn't anticipated for him to be this exceptional. The raven haired boy watched in awe as the tanned boy shot down every single one of his targets, not a single shot wasted. Upon completion he mockingly blew at the barrel of his gun as he was congratulated and prompted on his choice for his prize. Keith had missed a few targets on his turn and only managed to obtain a small prize, this round was definitely Lance's win.

When the two had finally made their way back with the promised beverages they were shocked to find their two friends already feasting on the lunch Hunk had prepared.
"Hey! You started without us!" Lance shrieked as he ran towards them, "This is betrayal!"
Pidge glanced at the taller teen nonchalantly, reasoning, "What? You and Keith were the ones who took an eternity to come back," her expression then shifted into a smirk, "What? Were you on a date?"
Keith unnoticeably flushed at the notion before testifying, "It wouldn't have taken so long if Lance didn't have the attention span of a 3 year old"
"HEY!" Lance belched out before the other two teens broke out into fits of hysterical laughter.
"No worries guys, there's plenty to go around," Hunk finally spoke and with a sigh Lance decided to simply join them without further complaint, Keith on his tail.

After lunch the group had decided to take a spin on the roller-coaster, Lance had insisted on the Ferris-wheel but lost three to one. After the ride Pidge and Hunk were eagerly exchanging their opinions on the experience but Lance remained eerily silent. Keith was beginning to worry when the lanky teen beside him abruptly collapsed to the ground. In a momentary rush of panic and adrenaline the shorter boy reached out to his falling companion, cushioning his head and back as he fell.
"Lance!" Keith exclaimed, voice laced with panic
"What happened?!"
The two teens who had been walking just ahead of them heard Keith's cry and turned to join Keith in his panic.
Hunk crouched over the fallen teen, carefully sliding an arm under his head before gently prompting, "Lance, buddy, you okay?"
The tanned boy meekly opened his eyes and replied, "Yeah, sorry buddy, the usual, anaemia"
The larger boy sighed, slightly relieved, "Geez Lance, you should have told us if you weren't feeling well"
Keith glanced over at the smallest of the four who had remained silent throughout the entire exchange, she wore an equally concerned expression but something about it seemed to hint at slight suspicion.
"I'll call Allura to come get you," Hunk had been informing Lance
"Thanks, buddy."

When Lance had been sent home with Allura the remaining three decided to call it a day and split. As Hunk left in a hurry to catch his bus Pidge contemplated aloud, "Do you think there's something about his condition Lance isn't telling us?"
Confused at this statement Keith scanned the smaller teen beside him, "What?"
"Never mind," she dismissed, flashing a smile before turning and making her own way home. The raven haired boy was left alone, bewildered by the events that had just conspired before him.

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