Message Man

64 10 17

It was 8:00 am on a Saturday and Tyler had received a message notification.

Unknown: hi tyler

TyJo: who's this?

Unknown: oh yea sorry forgot to say, its josh, josh dun

TyJo: okay.... hold on

Unknown: okay...?

TyJo: there

Jish<3: what did you do?

TyJo: just added you to my contacts

Jish<3: oh ok.... hey you wanna come over to mine and we can get started on the project?

Josh was only waiting for a response for a minute but for him it felt like cent-urie's ( i have no regrets) finally Tyler replied.

TyJo: Yes, can't wait to see you jish

Jish<3: jish?

Josh giggled at the nickname Tyler had given him, whether it was on purpose or not he liked it, especially since it was from Tyler.

TyJo: Yea do you like it or would you rather joshy?

Josh felt a sudden burst of confidence rush through his body, down his arms and into his thumbs...

Jish<3: I like any name from you baby boy, this is my address... (whateveryou want e.g. 69 ryden lane).... see you soon

Tyler was blushing deep red did this just happen?, was he dreaming again? mean while Josh was busy writing an apology text, but before he could finish he got a text from Tyler

TyJo: Okay joshy can't wait see you soon XD..... want me to bring taco bell?

Jish<3: that is not a question!

TyJo: okay jeez bring taco bell got it

Jish<3: thx ty

TyJo: awe

Jish<3: what's wrong?

TyJo: you didn't call me baby boy... i like that ;-;

Jish<3: sorry baby boy... anyway see you soon drive safe... DON'T FORGET THE CHILD


Jish<3: thx bby boy :D

TyJo: Shut up or your gonna make me crash

Jish<3: but the tacobell

TyJo: wow thx josh

TyJo went offline

Jish<3 no i was joking

come back


i love you/taco bell

There was a knock at the door, Josh went to the door a little upset thinking Tyler wouldn't come he didn't care about the taco bell, which said a lot, Josh looked up to see Tyler standing there with taco bell but more importantly Tyler, Josh pulled him into a tight hug, Tyler felt safe in Josh's embrace, he dropped the taco bell on the floor and hugs him back, "hi josh" Tyler mumbled into josh's chest not wanting to let go, "hey ty... s-sorry bout tha--" "no i liked it" Josh smiled and lead Tyler to the couch where they both sat, Tyler very close to Josh "wanna eat now?" Tyler asked " what did i say about silly questions ty?" Tyler did a whining noise " baby boy i'm sorry i wont forget again" " good " Tyler rested his head on Josh's shoulder " wanna watch a movie?" Tyler asked, Josh nodded "only if you wanna cuddle" Tyler giggled then agreed.

They were in the middle of ' The Nightmare Before Christmas' and Josh was looking at Tyler and got his attention "whats up?" Tyler asked, Josh simply replied with "your so beautiful" Tyler blushed but smiled "thank you josh, your not so bad yourself" they both giggled but not daring to look away from one another, they stopped giggling and Josh was slowly leaning in, and before they knew it their lips were up against each other, soon moving in sync, Josh disconnected there lips "Tyler?" Josh asked "can i call you mine?" "only if you kiss me again" "well of course i will ty" "well then that's a yes Josh".

Tyler and Josh fell asleep and when Tyler woke up he had several missed called from his family, and they didn't do a thing for the project

( A.N. wonder whats gonna happen next sorry for the cliff hanger guys, i will be going camping soon so i will try to update as much as i can while i'm there, thank you all for the reads hoped you enjoyed this chapter!)

Till the end // joshlerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora