He Thought...

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It was a week since Tyler and Josh decided to start over they had heeps of fun going to the park, taco bell just to the shops and they still had heeps of fun, some hugs here and there, why not they're gay.

But today for some reason Tyler was specifically bored, so what did he do?, he rang Josh, Josh was definitely without a doubt his best friend...

"Hey I'm really bored, wanna do something today?"
"Sure!, what do you want to do?"
"Um... Haven't thought that far yet, I'll just come over and we'll see then?"
"Perfect see you soon, bye"

With that Tyler hung up the phone and placed it on the bed-side table, that's when he herd the front door slam open, it frightened him, what was it?, he went down the stairs to find his father drunk, he could tell the (Mikey) way he was rocking and slurring.

"You." His father pointed to Tyler, his head went from looking at his mother confused and slightly upset, he thought his father could change, to looking at his father pointing to his chest "me?" He asked more confused than before, "Yes you, faggot" he found out... "I-I" that's when his mother chimed in "what are you talking about!?, your drunk!" "Shut up woman and listen!"
He pointed at Tyler once again "you, are a fag and I will not have a fag in my house!" Tyler's mum looked at him with pity, he already told his mum, she accepted him as he is, but his father, Tyler never told his dad he knew he would get kicked out and if his mum would protest she would get hit, Tyler's dad was drunk it's what he dose.
"Dad h-how di-" "Shut up Tyler pack your stuff up and fuck off go live on the streets for all I care, just leave!" At this point his mother was crying, he went to go pack his stuff tears threatening to fall, his mum walked in about 2 minutes later and hugged him tightly "I'm so sorry Tyler, I love you, oh my boy where are you going to go?" His mother has gotten a lot better it may if only been a week but she is clean no drugs at all, her fingers running through Tyler's hair crying "mum please don't cry, it's ok, I-I'll go to Josh's, I'm sure he'll be fine with it" "ok message me when you get there, I love you so much, I'm so sorry Tyler" "it's not your fault mum, I-I better go before anything happens, I love you, bye" at that moment a tear fell from his eye, by the time he got to his car he was sobbing heavily.

He got to Josh's front door and knocked, he heard foot steps from inside, he didn't want Josh to see him like this but in reality he had no choice, Josh opened the door and looked at the crying Tyler, "Tyler what's wrong, what happened?" Josh was worried, "m-my dad found out I'm gay and he kicked me out, Josh can I stay here for a little, I'm really sorry but I have no where else to go..." "of course Ty, I'm sorry about your dad" thank you Josh, I'm just worried about my mum, I need to text her" Tyler stepped inside and sat on the all too familiar couch "she said she's ok" "that's good, um, you can sleep in bed tonight and I'll sleep on the couch" "what!?, no I can't do that to you Josh!, I'll sleep on the couch" "I can't let you do that" "and why not?" "Because it's uncomfortable" "so why would you sleep on it then?" "For you" Tyler sighed not knowing what to do "we could always sleep in my bed" Josh suggested "I mean only if you want to, I just thought since we're just frens and all" Tyler giggled at Josh's rambling, the giggle that Josh adored "if that's ok with you"Tyler stated "ok, cool sleeping arrangement done, now what?" Josh asked "race ya to the tv for Mario Kart" "awe come on unfair!" After a few hours of Mario kart and pizza, Tyler and Josh fell tired "hey Josh I'm kinda tired" "yea me too, wanna go to bed?" Yea" the boy's retreated to the room, changed and slipped into bed "hey, josh?" "Yea Ty?" "Can we cuddle, like as frens?' Tyler slightly giggled at his own comment "sure Ty" Josh pulled the younger boy into a hug while Tyler laid his head in Josh's chest, that's how they fell asleep and stayed that way whole night cuddling as 'just frens'

Till the end // joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now