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"I don't fucking think so," Louis exclaimed in disbelief. He shook his head at the omega which made Niall sigh. He was so exhausted and was just ready to go to bed.

"Come on, Louis, you need to pitch in too if you're going to live here," Niall replied.

"Hey, that's not fair. I'm a prisoner so therefore I don't have a choice in the matter," Louis shot back pointing an accusing finger at Niall. The omega rolled his eyes at the hunter before sighing again.

"It's only for the afternoon. You just have to help me get all these ingredients for Camilla."

Camilla. Louis recognised the name from the conversation with Anne earlier. She had told Louis the news about how Camilla was a witch.

"Ingredients? For a spell?" Louis questioned. He was suddenly now interested in what Niall wanted him to help him with.

"Yeah. Camilla always makes me go and get her ingredients when they are close by but when it's too far out of the territory, Harry gets it for her," Niall answered. He grabbed a bag from the table in the mess hall and sent a smile to Louis.

"Well what does she need?"

"Yarrow, mug-wort, jasmine, lavender and lavender incense. She's got most of it, we just have to get the yarrow and mug-wort from down in the green house," Niall informed before gesturing for Louis to follow him as they began their journey.

"You have a green house?"

"Yes, Louis. We aren't savages. We do grow things to help our witches and to help our feed. Did you think we just hunted deer all day?" Niall laughed but then stopped when he saw Louis' blank face, "Oh my god, you thought we hunted deer all day."

"Can you blame me?" Louis exclaimed. Niall nodded his head quickly.

"Yes, yes, I can!" Niall shot back with a smile. Louis narrowed his eyes at the omega. He shouldn't be doing this. He shouldn't be getting along with the species that he was raised to hate.

"Oh, shut it. Let's go get these ingredients and watch ourselves a spell."


Camilla lit up the incense with her hand, Louis' eyes widened with how much power she possessed. She grabbed the oil she had crafted with the ingredients and anointed herself on the base of her hands, feet, shoulders and in between both eyes.

Niall couldn't make it to watch it because he had to go to sleep so he could wake up early to make breakfast for everyone in the kitchen in the morning. Louis was a bit upset because he thought it would have been fun to watch it with Niall but he understood.

After all, he had just spent the last five hours with the omega because they got lost and couldn't find where the greenhouse was and then they didn't know what was yarrow and what was mug wort. Luckily, Anne was there and helped them out as she was helping Camilla anyway.

Camilla then gave a smile to Louis and gave him a look to come forward.

Louis took a step to her and held out his hand. She took the knife in her hand from the platter on the ground and sliced a cut into Louis' skin. He whined and watched as his blood dropped into the dirt.

Camilla handed him a rag after before giving him a smile. Louis nodded, stepped back and wrapped the rag around his hand to stop any serious bleeding.

Witches called the place between their eyes the Third eye. This allowed them to have sight of both the inner and outer worlds.

Camilla positioned herself more comfortably and closed her eyes and took a deep breathe.

"Ancient wisdom, third eye,
journey me through the sky,
bless me the information I seek,
as I will it, so mote it be"

She repeated this three times and then her eyes fluttered and she gasped. Louis watched on, curious to what was happening.

The candles were flickering and Louis felt a gush of wind flow past him. When the witch at his camp would do a spell, it felt different to what this one did.

Louis watched the drops of his blood float into the air. Camilla was shaking and was muttering words under her breathe but Louis couldn't hear it. He could see that her nose was beginning to bleed. Anne widened her eyes.

"Quick, blow out the candles!"

Louis jumped and aided Niall and Anne in blowing out the candles before Camilla dropped and seemed to be unconscious. Anne ran to her side, cradling her face.

"Is she okay?" Louis wondered with worry written all over his features.

"She just needs rest. She hasn't done a proper spell since..." Anne trailed off staring at Louis as if she was about to say something she shouldn't.

"Since what?"

"Is Louis in there?" Louis' voice heard Harry walking towards the tent that they were in. Harry then peaked his head through the opening before spotting the hunter. He saw that he had interrupted something when he spotted the way Louis was annoyed. He really wanted Anne to finish the sentence, "Oops."

"Hi," Louis said with narrowed eyes. Harry shrugged his shoulders before entering the tent.

"I just came to get you because it's really late and you should get to bed," Harry stated. Louis rolled his eyes.

"Where am I staying again?"

"With me," Harry answered.

"I thought you were joking," Louis frowned with a sigh. He had hoped more like.

"I wasn't," Harry said before looking over at his mother and Camilla who was now beginning to wake up. Camilla rubbed at her eyes and then looked over at Louis with wide ones.

She then turned and whispered something in Anne's ear. It was even too quiet for Harry to hear because all that he could hear was Louis' heart beating.

"I'm going to take Camilla to her room," Anne informed before she helped Camilla up. When they walked past, Anne took a hold of Louis' wrapped up hand and muttered a few words.

He felt the pain leave him slowly before the wound had closed up. He gave her an appreciated smile before they began to leave the tent.

"Our turn now," Harry commanded before he began to walk out of the tent. Louis followed after him, only now realising how tired he actually was.

They past many members of the pack who bowed their heads at Harry in respect and then glared at Louis. He didn't blame them. He was a hunter who had killed many of their kind.

Harry and Louis walked through the Pack House until they finally reached a room. The alpha pushed it open and Louis took in how big the room was. Perks of being the leader.

"We are sharing the bed. That way I can tell if you try leave the room," Harry said. Louis couldn't understand how he couldn't see the Alpha in Harry when he first met him. Harry definitely was radiating power and lots of it.

"I don't fuck-" Harry gave Louis a look to shut up and Louis decided not to fight back this time. Too exhausted to even argue.

"I'll give you some of my clothes," Harry informed moving to his dresser and pulling out some clothes before throwing them at Louis who caught them quickly.

He put the clothing on and heard Harry laugh at how big the clothing was on him. It wasn't a secret that Louis was small and Harry was way bigger. His shirt almost felt like a dress.

"Shut it," Louis glared in annoyance. He hated his height. He hated how small he was.

"Just go to sleep," Harry shot back. Louis crawled into bed welcoming the feeling of soft sheets on his skin.

Louis closed his eyes slowly and felt the other side of the bed dip. He knew it was Harry and he should have told him to fuck off but he didn't. Louis felt safe with him there.

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