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"And that's how I became a member of Bloodmoon," Zayn informed with a laugh. He felt like he could tell the hunter anything.

"You're such an idiot!" Louis laughed after Zayn had finished telling his story. Louis was having a really good time. Zayn was excellent company. They had been hanging out for the past two hours now, Harry still hadn't returned with their drinks.

"I got lost okay? And I just found myself here. Now I'm apart of the Pack and it's the happiest I've ever been," Zayn replied with a sweet smile. They weren't even dancing anymore, they were just swaying to the music.

"I'm glad you found this Pack actually. Think tonight would be pretty boring without you," Louis admitted cheekily. Zayn nodded.

"It would. I am great company aren't I?" Zayn shot back. Louis laughed at him.

"I was going to say the same but since you're being so cocky, I take it back!" Louis giggled making Zayn smile widely. He was enjoying his night and was definitely glad he had approached Louis. He was afraid at first but he's glad he pushed himself to make the move.

"In that case, I was going to keep this from you but you're a horrible dancer and I have already lost count how many times you've stepped on my feet," Zayn remarked cheekily.

"How dare you! I'm a great dancer."

"Keep telling yourself that and you might just believe it," Zayn teased making Louis pinch his arms and they both began laughing loudly.

Meanwhile, sitting a few metres away was a glaring Harry. When he had gone to return with the drinks earlier, he had spotted Louis with Zayn and decided to watch and see what would happen. He was not happy that Zayn had built up the courage. Louis had been with Zayn now the entire night and it was annoying Harry to no end. He hated seeing Zayn make Louis smile and laugh like that.

"You're so obvious."

Harry stopped his glaring for a moment when he felt someone sit next to him. It made him look away from Louis and Zayn so he could see who it was. It was Liam and he had the biggest smirk on his face which just made Harry want to smack him.

"Obvious about what?" Harry asked making Liam roll his eyes. The alpha was so oblivious to his own feelings.

"You, being jealous. I could tell from a mile away. Just go up and make everyone know he's yours," Liam said. Harry shook his head.

"It's not like-"

"Don't even start. Like I said, it's obvious. I know you just met but what if he's your mate, Harry. You're so pulled to him so quickly. How do you explain that?" Liam raised his eyebrows.

"Simple, I don't," Harry shot back, "I'm not pulled okay? I'm fine."

"Then why have you been glaring at Louis and Zayn for the past twenty minutes?" Liam wondered smiling cheekily.

"Maybe I don't like their dance moves. Ever thought about that?" Harry replied.

"No because the other day you pulled me out of the mess hall because he called you Daddy and you were freaking out."

"God, you're annoying," Harry ran a hand through his hair with a sigh. Liam nodded and smiled widely.

"I know. Thank you," Liam told him, "Now go up there and do something about it."

"Look, Liam remember how I'm actually supposed to marry someone in a couple of weeks? Yeah, me, too."

"Stop making excuses and just-"

"Harry," Rick approached the pair, he was wearing a suit and looking very smart. He was alone now, his wife now dancing around with some of the Pack children.

"What," Harry spat. He was not in the mood for his father at this moment. He was jealous but he definitely wasn't going to admit it anytime soon.

"Ask your fiancé to dance. You need to show this Pack you're serious about being alpha. You can't just keep running around with that human," Rick informed. Harry sighed, he kept forgetting about the arrangement. Alyssa seemed like such a nice girl. He could see her now dancing with a couple of her friends, she had a large grin imprinted on her face.

"Do I have to?" Harry questioned. He was enjoying glaring at Zayn and Louis. His father glared at him and nodded.

"Do it now," Rick growled. Harry sighed again and stood up from where he was standing. Liam gave him a pained expression but watched as Harry made his way over to Alyssa.

"Hi Alyssa, would you like to dance?" Harry wondered. Alyssa looked at her friends as they giggled before Alyssa nodded. Harry held out his hand, she took it before they began to sway to the music.

"Have you been having a good night?" She asked resting her chin on his shoulder as they danced. Harry glanced over her shoulder to look over at Louis and Zayn who were still dancing and laughing.

"Yep. Fantastic night," Harry answered with a fake smile. He was trying to have a good time but seeing Louis laugh with Zayn like that made him livid.

Zayn's hands traveled down Louis' body until they reached the hunter's ass. The Alpha gently pushed Alyssa away from him, worried that if he didn't he would hurt her. His wolf was growling loudly and he felt his blood boil.
That's fucking it.

Harry made his way over to the pair, he grabbed onto Louis' hand to break them up and without a word pulled the hunter out of the mess hall ignoring Louis' protests.

"What the hell, Harry? What are you doing?" Louis interrogated angrily. He was having a good time and Harry had no right to pull him away like that.

"Shut up."

"No, Harry-"

Louis gasped as he was pushed against the wall of the mess hall. Harry was hungrily kissing the hunter and Louis couldn't help but kiss back. Sparks were shooting up all over his body. Louis felt so fucking content.

Im so sorry I didn't update this yesterday, I actually thought this had gotten deleted and I was so scared. But hey, I hope what happened in this chapter made up for it :)))

Question: What do you think is going to happen now?

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