thirty five

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Another update so fucking love me guys.  I hope you enjoy. If you haven't watched supernatural up to season 10 or 11, beware that there could be some spoilers. Please check end of chapter for details about the character asks.

"So, you mean to say you've started the apocalypse not once but two times now," Harry raised his eyebrows staring at the older Winchester. Louis and Sam had managed to calm everyone down to a point where everyone put down their weapons and moved somewhere more appropriate to talk. Not much had been spoken as Harry and Dean would continue to bicker of stupid shit.

"Well, two main times, the others were kind of minor compared to them," Dean said with a shrug. Harry couldn't believe how casual the Winchester brothers were about this type of thing, like it was thing that just happened to happen every few years.

"Wouldn't it just be smart to stop starting the end of the world?" Harry questioned curiously. The alpha still didn't trust them, for good reason, they were highly trained hunters who had killed numerous of his kind without a thought.

"Listen here, Teen Wolf, we've saved it each time, how about a freaking thank you?" Dean hissed questioningly, "Did you hear that Sammy? No appreciation."

"You were getting to the part where you explained what this thing actually is," Louis cut in, annoyed with the bickering that was happening between both Dean and Harry. Both were just so used to being top of the authority that it was hard for them at the moment to work together peacefully.

"Well do you know that whole bible story about Cain and Abel?" Dean asked. Everyone but Sam frowned at the older Winchester, all confused on why this was being brought up.

"Cain killed his brother and become the first murderer, right?" Liam piped up. He was one of the few wolves that would take notice in classes or read lots of lore. He and Sam would definitely get along.

"The bible says it was because Cain was jealous of his brother because Abel was praying to God," Sam continued to explain, "But that wasn't the case. He was actually praying to Lucifer-"

"Lucifer? As in Satan?" Louis's eyes widened in shock, "He's real?"

"Oh, he's real," Dean scoffed loudly, "Real pain in our ass."

"Anyway, Cain found out that Abel praying to Lucifer was corrupting his soul, therefore damning him to hell. Cain loved his brother too much, so he offered Lucifer a deal," Sam informed before sighing, "Lucifer proposed that he would personally take Abel's soul to heaven, but Cain would have to be the one to send him there."

"So, he killed his brother to ensure Abel would go to heaven?" Niall wondered, still tucked into Liam's side while his mate rubbed his back soothingly. Louis was trying to take in all the information that was being fed to him.

"And Cain become the first murderer and thanks to Lucifer was the first human to bare the Mark," Sam nodded his head slowly before letting out a sigh, "He couldn't handle it and killed himself, only to be brought back as a demon."

"Wait, wait... demons are real, too?"

"Yeah, also a real pain in the ass," Dean stated as he glanced over at Harry. The older Winchester just wanted to keep an eye on him just in case he tried any funny business. After all, the brothers have never had a good experience with alpha werewolves, normally they're too aggressive but Harry seemed quite controlled. But perhaps that's what Harry wanted Dean to think so the hunter would put his guard down. Yeah, not happening.

"So, Cain is coming after us?" Harry inquired with a frown. There was way too much information being thrown around and he felt like his head was going to burst.

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