Chapter two: The Journey From Platform nine an three quaters

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They arrived at Kings Cross in London at half past ten. Waving off her mother through the window of the train and holding tight to her owl, she found a comfortable spot on the train, and put her trunks in the compartment above. She felt like she sat for the longest time before someone began to tap on the glass door. The raindrops on the window made it hard to hear at first, the only way she noticed was her owls squealing. It was the pale boy from the robe shop. Ellie quickly ran to open the door. "Im afraid I didn't get the proper greeting earlier." The pale boy invited himself into her compartment and sat across from her, his hand waiting for a shake. "The names Malfoy, Draco Malfoy. And you are?"

Ellie grabbed his hand gently, trying not to seem forceful. " Collins, Ellie Collins." Malfoy gave a firm hand shake.

"So your a pureblood, aren't you?" Ellie nodded in response and awkwardly looked away. "Well, Collins, some wizard houses are better than others you know. For example, no Hufflepuff has been a good wizard." He snarled.

"I'm afraid I don't know much about the other houses." Ellie exclaimed.

"Slytherin is where all the great wizards are." He smiled and stood up. "I will see myself off now, see you in Slytherin." Malfoy closed the door rather hard and was accompanied by two of his other friends. Ellie quickly got over the fact he was so interested to see what house she would be in, and stuck her finger through the cage of her owl. "What shall I name you?" She petted her owls white soft feathers. He owl only ruffled his feathers in pleasure. She reached for the lock on the cage, but before she could she could open it, a tapping noise from the door again, but this time it wasn't Malfoy. It was a blonde girl with a brown and black cat on her trunk. Ellie quickly reached for the door to open it.

"I'm afraid I don't know anyone, mind making a new friend or two?" Her cat jumped on her shoulder and looked deeply into Ellie's eyes. Ellie immediately became nervous.

"I don't mind at all! You can join us." Ellie carefully slid the door of the cabin open and welcomed her and her cat inside. The girl smiled putting her trunks in the space provided.

"The names Nicole Ross, my father is a Ravenclaw and my mother is a Slytherin, and this is Felix my cat." After putting her trunk in the space given she sat across from Ellie gazing at her owl. "He's absolutely beautiful! His name?"

"Oh, I haven't picked out a name for him yet. Actually I haven't the slightest I idea."

"How about we pick one now? What do you say? Shouldn't be hard." Nicole grinned and pet her cat. "I named my little one after my fathers middle name, it would be cool if you did the same."

Ellie thought for second thinking of her own fathers middle name. "Sure. That's a good idea. Caspar it is then. I'm sure we will get to know each other better right Caspar?" Caspar closed his eyes as Ellie pet the brim of his beak.

"Trolley!" The woman outside of the door yelled so it was clear throughout the whole train.

"Finally." Ellie sighed. I've been wondering when she was going to come along." Ellie slid open the door and requested Four chocolate frogs. "I've been wanting to start collecting these. My brother has many of them and hasn't given me one." Ellie took one out of her hand offering it to Nicole.

"Thanks, I have many of these, it gets old after awhile.Unless you have a passion for it, then It becomes a game every time you get a couple of these." Nicole anxiously opened the box and set the frog free pulling out the card. "Helga Hufflepuff." Nicole held up the card showing Ellie.

"My brother has a couple of those." Ellie carefully opened the box, reaching for the card. "Salazar Slytherin." Looking around the seats, she could see the chocolate frogs have already made there way up the window to jump out in the rain.

The two girls opened all the chocolate frogs and found themselves asleep a couple minutes after the train started to move.


Ellie woke up to the sound of her owl screeching and a blurry figure standing over her. As her eyes focused, she noticed the girl that a as standing over her was Nicole. Ellie rubbed her eyes sleepily and forced herself to sit up straight. "Time to go sleepy head. We are here." She helped Ellie get her trunks and owl and both headed out together. Ellie's eyes completely opened at the sight of Hogwarts for the first time.

"Wow..." Ellie gazed at the dimmed lights surrounding the castle. Wondering if she was dreaming that all of this was happening.

All first years were ordered to ride in boats on the way up to the castle before entering. Nicole and Ellie sat with two others they didn't know; however, it didn't bother Ellie, because she was going to get sorted in only mere moments now. She felt as if she could just jump out of the boat and swim up to the castle, but she was also scared. So scared and nervous that she secretly wished for the boat to take as long as possible.

The castle was big and bright, much like the ancient castles you see in the movies, Ellie thought. The dimmed candles and bright windows complemented the castle in a way that made the butterflies in Ellie's stomach flutter much faster than before.

The fleet of small boats moved off together in a massive herd. Everyone was silent staring off into the distance to get a good look at the outside of the castle overhead. It towered over the fleet as the sailed nearer and nearer to cliff where the school stood.

The were carried along a dark tunnel which seemed to be right underneath the castle. the boats came upon what looked like an underground harbor where they clambered out onto rocks and pebbles. They walked up many flights of stone steps and crowded around the huge wooden door.

A big scruffy looking man knocked upon the door three times, before the huge door creaked open.

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