Chapter Eight: Behind The Chamber Door

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That free Saturday morning the trusty group of three did nothing but sit and play wizard chess all day. Well, all except for Ellie, who had been sleeping on the stack of homework she was to finish before Monday. Of corse, Ellie had Nicole there to scold her when her eyes closed, but Ellie never really listened. All Nicole seemed to say was, "Ellie, you look like a fool! Sit up and do your homework before people start thinking that you are a unorganized hooligan. If you had gotten this done in class, while we had the time, you wouldn't have this problem. But no, you slept during class again." .

And all Ellie seemed to say in response was "Yeah."before going into a deep slumber. At least until Nicole went on another rant.

Seamus, however, stayed content and happy. Unlike the past times where he had avoided or what seemed like avoided the group. This time, he was just fine.


"We leave tonight." Ellie spoke up from beneath her folded arms.

"Leave for what?" Nicole stuttered.

"That chamber door." Ellie said with a quick subtle yawn.

"You're funny..." Seamus said in sarcasm, making another move on the chess board.

"Fine, I don't need you guys. " Ellie pouted beneath the cavern her arms made, hiding her face.

"You're stupid if you think you could actually make it behind it alive, and who is to say there is nothing that could chop you up into pieces once you get past that beast." Nicole sighed at Ellie's lack of effort to care. "You're always getting yourself into trouble you know? Why does it have to be you?"

"Because I'm curious." Ellie snapped.

"Because you're crazy." Seamus rolled his eyes. "If old Dumbledore were to find out what would he say huh? I believe ya can't be serious about going to that room again. You don't even know what yer doing, Ellie."

"Bet I can prove you wrong." Ellie quickly raised her head and glared at Seamus, much like a lion awaiting prey.

"What are you saying?" Nicole removed her hand from the chess board to turn to Ellie who had been having a glare contest with Seamus.

"I got help." Ellie said bluntly.

"What? Help? Who in their right mind would want to help you with such an act like this?" Nicole slammed her hand down on the table in rage. Nicole never wanted to be apart of Ellie and her crazy care-free plans to get trouble. Yet, they weren't meant to get them in trouble, it just turned out that way. "You're so care-free, like your brother. All Margo does is twiddle his thumbs in the common room, while his friends talk about hot chicks and stuff." Nicole shook her head.

"Never said you guys had to come, I don't need your help anyway. I'm positive I can do it myself." Ellie stuffed her head back into her arms.

"Ellie Collins!!!" Nicole flicked her ear, making her wince in pain. "You can most definitely not do this by yourself, and that's why I am coming with you."

"You're kidding me?!" Seamus pushed the chess board aside and gaped at Nicole.

"No, I am in fact not kidding you." Nicole turned her direction toward Seamus. "Ellie can barley remember her teacher's names. Do you think I would let her get away with something like this all alone? She'd practically be killing herself!" Nicole took a deep breath and relaxed her shoulders. The whole group paused in silence.

"When and where?" Seamus put his hand on his head in defeat.

"The Chamber door. Right before curfew." Ellie said raising her head.

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