Chapter Five: The Halloween Feast

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Many weeks past before the week of the Halloween feast had arrived. In the meantime, Nicole, Seamus, and Ellie pondered over the cut from Daily Prophet, which said someone had tried to break in to a vault at Gringotts. They spent a lot of time wondering what was in the vault that Hagrid wanted.

"It's obviously, very valuable or really dangerous, if someone were to want it that badly." Ellie said sipping her pumpkin juice.

" Or it could be both valuable and dangerous." Seamus said turning to Ellie.

But as all they knew for sure about the mysterious object was that it must have been very important if someone were to try to break into the vault, and they were for sure it was Hagrid.

That day in History of Magic, instead of falling asleep Ellie told Nicole what and who they thought it could be; however, Nicole was to busy writing down notes she could barley listen to anything Ellie had to say.


On Halloween morning Ellie woke to the smell of pumpkin and cinnamon wafting throughout the school. Lessons were still boring though, except for charms that day, because Professor Flitwick announced they were going to start making objects fly. Something Ellie was waiting to try out forever. Ellie took her seat next to Nicole and Seamus. When Malfoy had walked into the classroom all three of them hid their heads behind books pretending to read them; however, Ellie had thought Malfoy had caught their trick because he sat right next to Ellie again.

Ellie's luck soon began to run out because, Her and Malfoy got paired to practice while Seamus and Nicole were merrily working together, while (yet again) Ellie and Malfoy began to argue which hand position was right.

"Now, don't forget that nice wrist movement we've been practicing!" squeaked Professor Flitwick, standing atop of his pile of books. "Swish and flick, swish and flick. And saying the magic word properly is very important too!"

It was extremely difficult. Especially because Malfoy and Ellie were sassing each other. Ellie looked over to see Seamus prodding his feather with his wand, catching fire to it - Nicole freaked out, trying to put out the fire with one of Seamus's books.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Both Ellie and Malfoy shouted, eager to get their feather up in the air. Then occasionally you would hear, "Your saying it wrong idiot!" and, "No I'm not!" . Soon both were distracted by a feather hovering above them, it was Nicole and Seamus's feather. Their feather rose off their desk and hovered about four feet above Ellie and Malfoy's heads. They both exchanged glares

"Oh, Well done!" clapped Professor Flitwick. "Everyone see, Ms.Ross has done it!"


Later that evening Seamus and Ellie made their way down to the Great Hall with Nicole for the Halloween feast. The three noticed a great amount of bats swooping across the ceiling and over the tables. The food suddenly appeared on the golden plates, just like the start of term banquet. Seamus and Ellie laughed with Oliver Wood about how Seamus caught his feather on fire when Professor Quirrell came running frantically into the Great Hall, his turban almost blown away by how fast he had been running. Every student's eyes were on him as he slumped against a table panting. "Troll!-In the dungeon! - ... thought you ought to know."

He sank onto the floor , fainted.

There was an uproar from all four tables. Everyone was screaming. Ellie and Seamus ran to find Nicole which they found screaming just as loud.

The crowd suddenly fell dead silent when Professor Dumbledore set off many firecrackers from his wand to get everyone's attention.

"Prefects, lead your Houses back to their dormitories immediately!"

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