1 || Hope

83 7 3

I would strongly recommended you play the music while you read because it will just make the story a lot better. Hope you like it.....


In my little world, tomorrow will have a wonder.

                               -Glass bridge.
                                        ( Savina and Drones)

Standing along the railing of the han bridge, I didn't know what to think. The only thing that kept repeating itself in my mind was, why should it always be me that gets hurt in the end?
The stars never really show themselves at nights in seoul, the only thing that shined brightly in the night sky was the moon. reflecting itself on the water.
The wind blew over my face and my brown hair as I tried to climb on the railing and while I was doing so, my heart was beating so loud that I could hear it even through the loud beapping of the cars coming from the city.
When I finally climbed the railing, I was scared even more.

Will I be able to do it?

I took a deep breath determined to do it. Nobody wants me here anyways...
With that, I jumped.

The few seconds that will take to hit the water felt like an eternity. They say before you die all the memories from your life play in your mind. Mine weren't sweet like it will probably be for the rest, they were only bitter and I want to forget them.

The only good ones were the memories I made with my mother. Speaking of her, why did you have to leave? Didn't you think about your daughter even once before you took the decision to leave the world? Didn't you think about how many hardships she will have to go through alone?
Anyways,  never mind........ I am coming to you. Take care of me then.

The ice cold water felt like millions of tiny needles piercing through my skin. I saw the moon right above me, shining like it always have.
What is happening? What is this feeling? Do I regret it?
The moment I thought about it I realize I really was not ready for it.

No... what was I thinking?

I was suddenly aware of the cold water and the way it made it really hard for me to breathe.

I wasn't right. Maybe tomorrow will be better and I will finally be happy.

That was the only thing that saved me that night. That bought me to the coast.

The hope to live happily at least once......


The air was filled with the sweet smell of freshly brewed coffee and cinnamon. I sat in a cafe looking outside the window at the busy people with my hair and clothes still damp. People dressed formally ready to start their day, people who had bandages covering their face, who probably came out to get some fresh air after their surgery. People who are out just to have some fun.

Were the streets of gangnam always this busy? I thought.

Just then, the cafe door opened to reveal a women with short hair, dressed in colours that hurt my eyes.
She scanned the cafe before finally resting her eyes on me. She then walked towards me with her heels ticking against the wooden floor.
She stopped at my table and took the seat in front of me.

"Yah, ......Minsoo-ah, where have you been all night? seeing your empty house, I called you and you said you were near han bridge and now you show up wet. What have you bee-"
She suddenly stopped talking as if she realized something and her face was immediately filled with worry.
"No way....." she said her voice not being loud anymore "don't tell me you..."

I spoke nothing, ashamed of what I have done yesterday.

"Are you out of your mind?" She started with that and kept nagging at me about it for the next ten minutes and all I did was listen but how much more could I? I was already drunk tired of all this. So, the next came to my surprise too.

"Stop it, Jisu! Please..... what else could I do? Think about it in my shoes. I had no job, nobody to lean on to, no parents and no money. I had nothing....... I was exhausted, tired of all this.......All the doors were shut and I had nowhere to go." I sobbed.

She placed her hand over mine trying to comfort me. Nobody will believe how much that small act made me feel better.

"Please.." she said "don't be stubborn and take the money. For once, listen to me."

"No, I can't do that", how can I when I have no way to repay it?

she signed before turning her attention to the window. A minute pass and nobody spoke. Suddenly, jisu turned back to Minsoo and said, "go to the job center. Get a job and work your ass off and once you get the money, pay me back."

It was something I never thought of. Maybe it will work. Just maybe. A small smile crept across my face.
"I'm in"

"God! At last" jisu exclaimed. "But first, let me buy you some clothes."



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