2 || Party time

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Can you hear my voice? this time, this is my fight song.
-Fight song.
(Rachel platten)

"So......?" Jisu was sitting across me, in the same cafe we meet yesterday. Even today, she was sporting the neon colour cloths.

"They kicked me out" I said keeping my head down.

She almost choked on her drink before saying, "w-what!?........" then she said in a more serious tone,"what happened?"

I continuing again, "I did just like you told me. I kept asking them even though they said they were out of jobs to give at the moment. I was desperate. I kept asking him and he eventually call the security guards. "

"Aish, this girl....." she said before sighing. She tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear and leaned a little forward as if she was telling me a secret, "I actually saw this coming, given your clumsiness. So, I have another idea"

"What is it?" I asked getting a little excited.

"You see, there is this party tomorrow, where all the biggest businessmen from all over korea attend and you know my father is also invited"
That's true, unlike me, jisu was rich, born with a silver spoon. We both were very unlike, but we managed to become best friend despite all the odds but I have never properly seen her father because he is always on some kind of business trips.

"and he is going be in Korea only for two days"


"Which means the only chance to talk to him will be in the party because in the rest of the time he has to attend a hell a lot of meetings."

"What does that have to do with me trying to get a job?" I asked.

"I want you to come there with me, so that, I can introduce you to him and maybe even get you a job in his company" she said cheerfully, with triumph smile on her face.

"You can do that?" I asked.

"Absolutely!! anything for my best friend"

I didn't know how to feel. The only thing that I did was go to her hug her,"thanks."

"Now don't get senti and cheer up because we are going shopping"

"Huh!?" I said breaking the hug.

"You don't want to come there wearing jeans do you?"

"Why? I was thinking of doing that"
She face-palmed before grabbing my hand and exiting the cafe.


Looking at the reflection of myself in the mirror, made me wonder if it was really me.
Jisu did a lot of work on me, she curled up my hair, did my make up and also my nails.
I was dressed in a cute golden dress which complimented my figure.
"Ready...." she said stepping back and inspecting me for one last time.

"Can we go now?" I questioned.

"Sure!" She beamed.

We reached the venue in twenty five minutes and jisu couldn't contain her excitement while I tried to calm myself.
The car stopped and jisu indicated me to get down. Opening the car door I got out and was immediately met with a hundreds of cameras flashing at us. I always forget that jisu is the daughter of one richest businessmen.
The cameras and the spotlight felt so unfamiliar yet so fascinating. Is it how it feels to walk on a red carpet? I didn't realize that jisu stood beside me until she caught my hand. Pulling me with her (not literally) she made her way towards the hall.

As soon as we entered, the first thing I noticed was the people. The men were dressed in suits while the women wore beautiful dresses showing off their status. The air smelled like the rich scent of jasmine and rose. The walls were painted cream and the hall was decorated with different kinds of flowers which I don't even recognize.

I don't belong here, I thought.

The next hour was full of introductions, jisu seemed to know a lot of people. Soon, I was tired and decided to take a little break. I told jisu where I will be when she has to introduce me to his father and left. I took a seat in a corner and just watched the rich people talk to each other and have a good time. But the next minute, the hall became dead silent, all watching someone who just came through the door. I wasn't able to quite see it due to a lot of people covering them.
Then I heard whispers,

"Isn't that the CEO of kim enterprise?"

"Yes, and beside him, it's the CEO of park enterprise, right?"

"They look so handsome"

"I heard they are best friends and also business partners. They both are huge and extremely successful at a very young age. Do you believe they are not even 25?"

"Mr. Kim is more of my type, like the cold prince"

"Mr. Park though, his smile can lit up the whole room"

Listening to every thing the people said, curiosity soon got me and I wanted it see who they are.

Little did I know that, those painfully young and successful men are going to mess up with my life, real bad.

I am not quite satisfied with this chapter but here you go... plz don't be a silent reader. I would very much like to see you encourage me and my books, if you like them.
Love you....♥

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