Chapter 2

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(Sorry for not uploading. Hope this long chapter helps you not be as mad at me)

Gamzee's POV:

I noticed tavbro was asleep on my couch? At least I hoped he was asleep. I felt bad that he had to sleep on my couch so I walked over to him, picked him up, and brought him to my bed. I placed him on the bed and then began to clean the floor so he doesn't hurt himself. I've got to say he's pretty adorable when he's asleep. I slipped out of my room and went to the bathroom. I checked my face paint in the mirror which was all still there. When i walked back to the living room I picked up a few things off the floor to make the room look more presentable. I Normally don't clean because nobody really comes to my house but now that tavbro is here I gotta clean. I walked back into my bedroom and tavbro was still asleep. He's gotta be super sleepy if he fell asleep on my couch because that couch isn't comfy. I flopped onto the bed next to him. I never knew cleaning took so much outta ya. Tavbro is pretty cool even though he's a little shy. I began to feel a lot sleepy and I curled up on the other side of the bed and fell asleep.

Tavros POV:

Who's bed I'm I in? I thought for a minute trying to figure out where I am. Wait I'm still at gamzees place so this must be gamzees bed. I stretched slightly and began to get out of bed till I was pulled back into bed by something. I lifted the covers to try and see what was keeping me bound to the bed. I was shocked to see a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I turned slightly to see who's arms these are and when I turned was was face to face with with gamzee. I was just looking at gamzees painted face. My face had Instantly turned red. Oh gog did we... NO... I don't think so..... but what if we did.... SHUT UP BRAIN! My heart was racing and my face was redder than red. Gamzee pulled my body closer to him and my heart began racing more. I felt like If he pulled me any closer he could feel my heart pounding. He's kinda ho- NO WE JUST MET! I was mentally fighting myself. Gog he's so strong even though it looks like he has no muscle. Gamzee nuzzled his head into my neck area which caused my heart to begin pounding and racing again. OHGOGOHGOGOHGOG WHAT DO I DO?!?! I continued to panic. I tried to pull away but Gamzee was to strong or I'm just really weak. I ended up giving up. Then Gamzee woke up. "Good morning tavbro" Gamzee said his voice sounding deeper. Gog his voice is amazing- NO STOP THAT! "H-hi Gamzee" I squeaked out. My heart was still pounding and my face was still burning. Gamzee must have seen my face because he pulled me closer than close and he was pretty much spooning me. "G-Gamzee!" I yelped. "Ssssssh tavbro" Gamzee shushed me. God what do I do?

Gamzees POV:

Tavbro was a blushy. It's really cute. "Now tavbro will you tell me why your all red" I asked tav still cuddling him. He's perfect for cuddling. "I-it's nothing!" He squeaked. I went back to nuzzling my face into his neck since my face is all cold and he's all warm. I noticed his body got warmer. I wonder why. I cuddled tav more trying to get warmer. My arms were wrapped around his waist under his shirt and my legs were tangled with his plus my face was hiding in his neck. Now I'm finally getting warmer. The blanket help trap the warmth. My house is always cold. I wonder why tavbro isn't freezing. I like being warm when it's cold.

Tavros POV:

Oh. My. GOG! What is he doing?! "G-Gamzee w-what are you d-doing to me?!" I tried to say calmly. "I'm trying to get warm tavbro" he said into my neck. I let out a small strange sound. Once I realize what that sound was my face heated up even more. Gog did I just moan?! "Tavbro What was that sound" he said into my neck again. I fought back another sound. "I-it was n-nothing Gamzee" I tried to get out of bed "g-Gamzee I-I need to p-pee" I said as an excuse. He let go of me "go pee then" I got out of bed and went to the bathroom and locked myself inside the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and i was red all over. I tried to calm down. I popped my head outside of the bathroom "Hey Gamzee can I take a shower?" I asked. "Sure" He said in response. I closed the door and locked it. I stripped out of my close and turned on the shower. I got in and my body instantly began to cool down and I began to relax. Once I was fully cooled Down and relaxed I hopped out of the shower and realized I was missing something. I began listing the things had then I figured out what it was that I was missing.

(WHAT IS TAVROS MISSING?!?! Comment what you think! This is the second official chapter and yes it's longer one and I'm proud of it :3 hope you enjoyed it byyyyeeee!!!!!)

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