Chapter 9

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"Blair, is there something going on between you and my dad?"


I was panicking inside and I knew I couldn't let her see that so I just laughed and responded with, "Of course not! Why would you even think that?"

She pulled out her phone and showed me a video of when Jason and I was dancing. "Y'all look pretty cosy if you ask me." I have to admit we did look really cosy and cute and in love. Clearly, we aren't in love but it looks that way.

I sighed and stared at the video for a minute before looking up at Erica. "Eri, it's not what it looks like. He turned on the radio and that song was playing. We both said we love that song and he asked me if I wanted to dance. We started dancing and singing together before the doorbell interrupted."

She sighed and fell back on her bed. She laid there for a minute before sitting up and saying, "Y'all just look so in love..."

"Eri, I'm not even capable of loving anyone."

"Would you care if I died?"

"Of course!"

"Would you cry? Not get out of bed for a month? Drink to ease the pain of losing me?"

"Eri, if you died, I'd probably die inside and go back to being like an empty black hole."

"Blair..... You love me. Not in like a lesbo way but as in a family kinda way."

(No I am not hating on lesbos/gays)

"I guess but I can't love any man. I don't even know if I love my dad sometimes."

Before Erica could speak up someone knocked on the door and in walked, Jason? I think it's Jason anyway. My guess was confirmed when Erica said, "Hey daddy. Everything ok now?"

"Yeah, babygirl. Let's go have dinner."

Erica and I rolled off the bed and gracefully walked down the stairs after Jason. Erica sat down next to Justin which left me on the other side with Jason. Just great.

We all dished out our spaghetti and had a small glass of red wine. Erica, Jason, and Justin were all caught up in a conversation about their lake house memories, but I couldn't focus because Jason kept catching my eye and scooting closer every second. No one even noticed that he was now so close our knees touched which was driving me insane. He could see it to and he was enjoying this.

I grabbed my wine and started chugging it as he placed his gigantic warm hand on my thigh. He started rubbing his hand up higher. I tensed up. I knew if I didn't get out of this soon then I was going to be drove crazy. I took a small bite of spaghetti as he squeezed my thigh sending a moan out of my mouth. Erica looked at me questioningly and I shrugged saying, "It's really good spaghetti! I'm not much of a cook and my, uhm, housekeeper never makes spaghetti." She nodded and took another bite of food.

Jason said, "Blair, let me tell you a secret." He then leaned over to whisper in my ear, "Paybacks a bitch." Then squeezed my thigh again and leaned back over to eat. I know I'm about to lose it so I excuse myself and run upstairs to the bathroom. I locked the door and put both hands on the sink as I looked in the mirror. I closed my eyes taking in a deep breath and letting it out. I felt a little better. I knew I couldn't keep them waiting for to long without them worrying, so I walked out and back downstairs to the table.

Erica asked me if I was ok and I told her yes. We finished eating and cleared the table. Erica and I put the dishes in the dishwasher and wiped off the counters. Just as we were finishing up Justin walked in. He smiled at me before speaking, "I'm going to get going. Bye princess. Love you. Bye beautiful." He winked at me and hugged Eri. He walked out the door and left.

It was just me and Eri because Jason had went up to his room. Erica yawned, "Hey I'm tired. You can stay in the guest room if you'd like. I have some clothes you can wear."

"Yeah, that'd be great. Thanks." She nodded and I followed her upstairs to her room. She handed be some really short shorts and a tank top. I told her goodnight and walked into the guest room. I saw a piece of paper and walked over to pick it up.

It said:

~Come to my room. -J~

I quickly changed into the night clothes Eri have me. I peeked my head out the door. When I saw the coast was clear I snuck out quietly shutting the door behind me and walking to Jason's room. I gently opened the door as someone grabbed my arm pulling me in and closing the door and locking it. There was a lamp and a tv on so I could see Jason's face lit up.

He put his hands on my hips. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he leaned down to gently peck me on my lips. I looked into his eyes and whispered, "Why'd you have to torture me like that? You almost made me give it away."

He pecked my lips again before walking to the bed pulling me with him. He sat down and pulled me in his lap making me straddle him. He looked into my eyes and quietly explained, "I'm sorry. I really am. I was just stressed. I don't get along with my brother and you were being so sexy. I had to play happy for Eri, but me and Justin didn't work things out. We fought more while y'all were upstairs. Blair, please forgive me..."

"It's fine. I deserved it."

"Will you sleep with me tonight."

"Won't Eri hear us?"

"Not in that way! I meant cuddle with me."


I crawled off of him and in the bed beside him. He laid down and wrapped his arms around me. He leaned over and kissed my cheek.

I was relaxed in his arms. He spoke up after a few minutes saying, "I would do anything for Erica."

I sighed and turned over to look at him. "Then why do you still fool around with me?"

He looked as if he was about to cry. He closed his eyes tight and opened them again then spoke, "I know it won't be good if she finds out, but I can't stay away from you. I tried to. Honestly, I did, but I couldn't. It's like I'm drawn to you. Blair........"

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