Chapter 2- Gotcha

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Jacobs POV


I woke up early this morning feeling happy as ever. Today is the day that Rayne will be mine. I smiled big at the thought of us being together forever. I jumped out of bed and nearly busted my ass trying to run to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and got in the shower. I took a quick one since I took one last night so I wasn't really dirty. I left the bathroom and entered my walk-in closet. I looked for an outfit and decided on a graphic T and some black sweatpants with red stars and my Oreo 5s. I didn't need to pack more than one bag since my other house I'm taking Rayne to is full of clothes. It's all the way across the country. Florida. No one will ever find us there. It'll be perfect.

I looked at my alarm clock that was on the nightstand and it was only 11:45. I still have a lot of time before I need to go and wait for Rayne. I didn't know what to do because I was way too excited to actually do anything but think and smile. I thought that I it would be nice of me to go buy her a few things since she wouldn't have anything so I went to the mall.

When I got to the mall it was around 12:00 so I still had a lot of time. I wouldn't be here long though. I know all her sizes which makes shopping for her really easy. I first stopped at champs and got her and myself matching blue and white Air Force 1s. I went into a few other stores and by the time I was done I had got her 3 pairs of jeans, 4 shirts, some socks, bras and underwear. Yes, I know her bra and underwear sizes... Don't judge me.

I went back to my house and packed her stuff in a suitcase. I didn't only go shopping for her to have clothes until we get there, but it would look suspicious if we went in the airport with one suitcase for the both of us. I put both of our suitcases in the truck of my car. I wanted to be fully rested by the time I had to go and catch her so i decided to take a nap. I set an alarm for 4:00. I wanted to get to the school an hour early so I could wait for her. I made sure I put my gun in the car and my knife in my pocket.

When I got to the school I parked my car and stood over by a wall and just waited.

Rayne's POV



Basketball practice ended and I gathered my bag and Gatorade. I was making my way over to the locker room when Coach Troy called my name.

"Wassup Coach?" I said, sipping my gatorade.

"You okay?" he said. I don't know what made him think something was wrong with me.

"Yeah.... Why?" I asked making a weird face.

"Your game was off today. You didn't practice hard. It's almost like... you didn't try." He said.

That actually kinda hurt my feelings. I always try. I try my best. Every time I play.

"What do you mean I didn't try?! I always play hard, what the hell!" I was frustrated and upset that he said that. I mean cause... ball is life, man. [a/n: sorry I had too 😂]

"Look, at tomorrow's game you won't be starting." He said with a straight face.

I felt like somebody shot me in the heart and then ran me over by a bus when he said that. I always start. I'm the only one who can play point guard.

"Yes I am starting!" I yelled back in anger.

"You know what. I'll show you. tomorrow, you'll just sit the whole game since you wanna yell at your COACH." He said.

I was so mad I could flip a car and throw it at his head. I didn't want to stay here any longer so I didn't bother changing since I was going home anyway. By the time I got outside everyone was gone except for some dude with a big curly afro. I'm not sure if even goes her, I've never seen him here before. He had on a pair of sunglasses. Even though I couldn't see his eyes, I felt them burning a whole through my soul. But I had to walk past him so I started walking. As I passed home I felt him grabbed me by my neck. I was about to scream until a felt something pointy on my neck as well as his hands getting tighter.

"Scream and I'll kill you right here." He whispered into my ear, which gave me crazy chills.

What the hell was happening?! I was really getting kidnapped. It took me a few seconds to actually process what was going on. I knew it was real when I felt the knife poke my throat a little harder. I felt my warm blood slowly slide down my neck. I cried but made absolutely no noise.

"Get in the car." The guy said. I tried to run but he grabbed me by my neck and wrist making a small cut on my wrist with the knife, pulling me back and throwing me in the car making me hit my head on the other door. I tried to move fast and open the door. Wouldn't open.. I guess the child lock was on.

I was scared out of my mind. all I thought about was how he was gong to kill me. Would he rape me first? Would he kill me at all? Would he make me some type of sex slave?

Why me.

Why me.

Why me.



Please let this be a nightmare.


This was really happening to me. And there was nothing I could do.

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