Chapter 1

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"Dear Diary,

I've tried to improve on my social skills, wanted to talk to more people, wanted to get to know more people. But out of the 101 people here, I know no one. It's been 2 days already and I barely talked, barely interacted, barely did anything right. Should I quit all these? Should I just pack up and go home? BUT. this is my dream, my dream from young, to debut as an idol. What should I do? Everything is so foreign in here... how am i going to spend another 100+days here? I miss home, I miss my parents... I don't want to be alone too but... it's just so difficult for an introvert like me to open up and talk to people...."

Jin Young stopped writing and stared at his diary. He clicked his pen, switched off his little lamp attached to his dairy, close it and laid down on his bed. He stared at the ceiling thinking upon what he should do. It was 2am, he had to wake up at 6:30am. He tossed and turned, trying to sleep but thoughts just keep running in his mind...

Soon enough, it was 6:30am in the morning. The alarm went off, people in the room started waking up while some procrastinated till the end. Jin Young, who didn't get much sleep was awake first, he was awkward with people in his room. While they chit-chatted in the early morning, he will just sit there and listen, not getting into the conversation. Soon, they all had to assemble for the morning exercise. All of them rushed to the main hall and got settled down into their 'A' to 'F' classes. Jin Young sat at the back alone as usual, trying to avoid talking to anyone.

3 days left to their 'Pick Me' stage. So many steps to learn and memorise, everything was just not right. Jin Young's self confidence dropped even more when he was re-evaluated to 'F' class from 'C' class. Everyone became more foreign and he just didn't know how to start everything. He hated himself a lot for that, and so he told himself that he would just try hard this once and if things doesn't work out for him, he'll just leave. Though his heart doesn't tell him so. After putting much effort, the teachers and trainees around him selected him to be the centre for the 'F' class.

1 day left, they had their final rehearsal before the stage the next day. Jin Young just stood together with the rest of the 'F' class trainees, looking at the 'A' class in the middle of the stage setup. He saw Dae Hwi, who was the centre of 'A' class trainees, the centre for the whole stage. Dae Hwi to him was someone who is very bright, those happy go-lucky type. Dae Hwi was raised from the middle stage, he smiled brightly, looking at everyone around him. He then saw the 'F' class trainees staring at them and out of all of the trainees, Jin Young caught his eyes. He smiled at Jin Young and Jin Young was a taken aback. "Why did he smile at me? Did I stare at him for too long? What should I do?" Thoughts ran through his mind again. Without noticing, he smiled back at Dae Hwi.

Rehearsals ended. All the 101 trainees made their way back to their rooms, and Dae Hwi ran to Jin Young while they all headed back.

"Hi! My name is Lee Dae Hwi. From BrandNew Music." Dae Hwi said as he beamed brightly and stretched his hand out for a handshake.

Taking the handshake, Jin Young replied,

"Hi. I'm Jin Young. From C9 entertainment."

"I know!"

"You do?"

"I remembered you kept looking at the floor."


"Let's exchange numbers!"

"Oh... um... yea sure. See you later."

They had to separate ways as of now as their rooms were located on the ends of each side.

"See you later!" Dae Hwi smiled brightly.

Later that night, they met again and exchanged numbers, though their phones was not with them.

"Don't you dare lose my number!" Dae Hwi pouted jokingly.

Jin Young chuckled a little and nodded lightly.

They returned back to their rooms again to sleep as they had to perform the next stage.

"Dear Diary,

Today was really tiring but I was glad I could be the centre for 'F' class. I received compliments from teachers and it made me happy. Guess here isn't that bad but I'm still lonely... Oh... I made a new friend today. Lee. Dae. Hwi. He looks really cute and friendly. But I haven't had the chance to talk to him that much yet. I hope we could be closer."

Jin Young clicked his pen and closed his diary once again, as if its his daily routine every night. He smiled while lying down on his bed, closed his eyes and fell asleep as soon as he laid down. 

Intensify : A Jinhwi fanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora