Chapter 2

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Their first stage was over. Dae Hwi saw Jin Young from afar and walked towards him.

"Wanna meet up this weekend? Since we have a few days off before the next filming day."

"um... yea sure. Will text you." Jin Young replied in shock that Dae Hwi wanted to go out with him though they only talked for the first time yesterday.

The weekends came, they planned to meet at a cafe at Gangnam to talk and hang out a little.

Jin Young arrived early and sat at a corner at the cafe. Not knowing what Dae Hwi likes, he ordered 2 iced grapefruit tea as that is what Jin Young likes most. They agreed to meet at 2pm but it was already 2:10pm and Dae Hwi still wasn't there.

Suddenly the bell at the door rang, indicating someone entering the cafe. Standing there was a boy with a long padded coat and a mask over his mouth. The boy scanned the cafe quickly and saw Jin Young sitting at the corner, drinking his drink quietly. He rushed over to Jin Young and quickly sat down.

"Im so sorry I'm late! I was caught in the traffic jam for so long! I..." Dae Hwi explained himself.

Jin Young chuckled at Dae Hwi's face as he looked cute as he was flustered for being late

"Why are you smiling?" Dae Hwi questioned.

" nothing. I didn't know what you like so I ordered iced grapefruit tea for you... is it okay?"


"oh really? I didn't know" Jin Young looked at him surprised.

Dae Hwi settled down and Jin Young stared at him.

"Thank You~" he said as he took a sip of the drink Jin Young bought.

Jin Young's heart skipped a beat as they made eye contact.

"What is this feeling? Why is my heart beating so fast? Im just nervous now talking to someone I knew just for a few days right? Yea. What am I thinking about. It obviously is because I'm nervous talking to someone I just met." Jin Young thought to himself.

Dae Hwi smiled at him and unknowingly, Jin Young smiled back.

They talked at the cafe for hours without realising.

It was rare. Jin Young rarely talked to anyone even people he was close with. He could rarely carry a conversation for more than 20 minutes but they talked for 3 hours on many things. Jin Young smiled and laughed so many times and so did Dae Hwi. It was really rare for an introvert like Jin Young.

After hours, they walked out of the cafe. They thanked the workers at the cafe as they went out.

"OH its so cold!!' Dae Hwi shivered.

Jin Young smiled at Dae Hwi's expression once again, finding it cute.

"Put on your coat~" Jin Young said while helping him out. 

As Dae Hwi finished putting on his coat, they make their way to the subway station.

Out of a sudden, Dae Hwi linked arms with Jin Young, making Jin Young shocked for such a skinship. 

"It's cold~ Linking arms will be warmer!" Dae Hwi smiled as he looked at Jin Young's shocked expression.

Jin Young didn't say a word. 

They walked to the subway station and parted ways as they were going in opposite directions.

"See you on Tuesday for filming!" Dae Hwi shouted across and Jin Young was embarrassed. 

"See you!" Jin Young replied with a smile.

It wasn't Jin Young's usual self. He would rarely smile so much, rarely talk so much, rarely hang out with someone for so long. He was surprised himself, but just thought of it as making a new friend he could click well with. 

Tuesday came fast and Jin Young was actually looking forward to recording that day. He wasn't sure was it because he started to feel more comfortable there or was it because he wanted to talk to Dae Hwi more. Nonetheless, he went to the filming site happily with his big luggage and settled down in his room quickly. He smiled at the trainees who passed by him and bowed to them too. Which was a shock to the other trainees as they rarely see him smile. 

He saw Dae Hwi on the other side of the hallway and waved at him. Dae Hwi smiled and waved back too. They entered their rooms and started unpacking. The whole week awaited them. 

Second Mission started. Dae Hwi got to select his group members as he was the centre for their 'Pick Me' stage. Wanting to get closer to Jin Young, he selected Jin Young as his group member. As his name was being called out by Dae Hwi, he couldn't hold it but to let out a smile.

After all the selection of members and songs, they all settled down in groups to discuss on who should take which part and role. After much deliberation, they got assigned to their roles and parts and practice started. 

They tapes stopped recording. They had space and time to practice on their own. 

"Why did you choose me? Im in 'F' class you know? There was so many other people you could choose from? I might be a burden to your team." Jin Young questioned Dae Hwi.

"It doesn't matter. I saw you dancing for 'Pick Me' and you're really good. I don't know how you ended up in 'F' but I'm sure you can do it! Be more confident in yourself. I trust my choice." Dae Hwi replied with a smile and patted Jin Young's back.

They both smiled and returned back to their spaces and started practising. 

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