Eddie Kaspbrak - Dating

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Hey y'all, first imagine waddup :)
Please vote and comment what you want me to do!
Cya! 🎈


I've always wanted to talk to Eddie. He's always been on my mind, ever since I joined the Loser's club. Well, Richie my brother. Introduced me to everyone but the one specific boy was Eddie who caught my eye. What am I thinking! He doesn't like someone like me. I'm way too out of his league.
I hear Richie's screaming downstairs.
"I'm going out to the Barrens with the Losers! Wanna come dipshit?"
I smile and shake my head.
I scream back, "Okay!"
Grabbing my black jacket and my socks that are over my ankles along with my white dirty converses. Slipping them on and putting my jacket over my grey top, I hop down the stairs seeing Richie outside pulling his bike up from the tall grass.
We both hop on our bikes and speed off to the Barrens.
We both drop our bikes and run through the creek. Kicking my feet up splashing water on Richie's shorts making it look like he shit himself.
"Dude! Stop being a bitch" Richie turns around and adjusts his glasses as he kicks water on me.
"This is so unsanitary! You're the reason why we're in this position right now!" Eddie screams.
Both of us run up to the Sewer Pipe seeing Bill, Bev, Ben, Mike, Stan and Eddie..
Gosh he's so cute.
"The fuck happened here?!" Richie yells at them.
They all look at Richie with weird faces and go back to what they're doing.
"Holy shit tough crowd." Richie pipes down scratching his neck.
Eddie shakes his asthma puffer and sucks in. I start to blush, He looks away and starts blushing.
"Any sign of the C-clown." Richie asks shivering up when he says clown. He's been scared of clowns ever since that circus day. The clown chased him on that day, that clown really did
like him.
I look away and walk off as I'm getting hella bored.
"I'm going off for a walk losers" I mutter and head off.
"I'm coming aswell" Eddie pipes up and runs after me.
"Well look who got fucking balls! I feel so proud to see he's not a pussy anymore! " Richie looks at Eddie, he starts laughing as he holds the stick with a garbage bag on the end. He throws it at Eddie and the shrieks of a girl is heard.
"YOU MOTHER FUCKER" Eddie flips off Richie and starts running after you.
"Y/n Wait up!" Eddie yells.
I turn around and feel my face heat up as he looks at me straight in the eye.
"Yeah?" I say brushing off the non existent dust on my shorts.
Eddie stops in his tracks and admires you, the way your hair blows in the wind, the way your eyes glimmer in daylight's day, the clothes you wear and just everything about you was perfect to him.
He steps back getting a little shy to even look at you.
"God damnit." He mutters quietly to himself.
I heard what he said and I look away like I didn't hear anything.
"L-look Y/n Can I tell you somethin?" Eddie looks up fiddling with his Asthma Puffer.
"Anything, what is it?" I look at Eddie.
"I-i just want to let you know. Gosh how do I put this. You're very beautiful, You're gorgeous and overall you're perfect! I can't stop thinking about you. It's like you're some time of disease attached to me! EVEN MY WANG CANT HANDLE IT! That's not the point. I LOVE YOU!" Eddie breathes heavily, putting his asthma puffer to his lips and sucks in a huge amount of the medicine.
I'm so shocked I can't even say anything. My crush really does like me back.
"I-i feel the same way Eddie.." I manage to get out and run up to him.
Spreading my arms out and wrapping them around Eddie.
Eddie hugs back but tight burying my head in his neck
"I-i Love You Eddie" I muffle out
We break apart and I look at him, putting my hand on his cheek rubbing it softly. His hands are on my waist and we connect. Eddie hesitates but kisses back after a couple of seconds.
He break apart once again and I hold his hand tightly.
"Will you be my girlfriend?." Eddie says looking at you and rubbing your hand gently.
"Of course" I smile and kiss him again, but this time Eddie kisses back but roughly.
"WOO! ASTHMA BOY AND EDDIE LOVER!" Richie runs up and starts clapping.
"They were literally mouth fucking.." Bill says quietly.
I walk up to Richie punching him in the arm.
"Ow!" Richie slaps you and You glare at him and he backs off with both of his hands up surrendering.
"S-s-so are y-y-y-you guys d-d-d-dating now?" Bill says scratching his neck.
"Yup" Eddie nods smiling brightly.
"This is literally a fucking disgrace to the Tozier's.." Richie shakes his head as his hands are on his temples.
"Not really, but this isn't a disgrace" I smirk and kiss Eddie.
Eddie looks at me and I look at him, we both laugh.


It Cast - Imagines! [ Discontinued ] Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt