Chapter 15 The Kidnapping

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"Hey little one." I talked to the little pup. "It would be amazing if you come with me, but you have to stay here and protect the pack. Their counting on you to protect them from the scary scientists." 

"Weally." She squeaked voice full of pride.

"Really." I said crouching down to her level. I licked her muzzle. 

"Okay, I'll stay, but only to protect the pack."

"That's it." I said smiling. I stood back up as the pup raced back into the crowd. I turned to the group of volunteer wolves and asked, "Shall we go?" They all nodded and two white she-wolves took the lead and two tan males and one brown male followed in the back.  The white wolves took me to my border. I crossed it and turned around to them. I nodded my head and said, "Thank you." They nodded back not saying anything, and then they turned to head back to their camp. I raced back to my house as fast as I could so I could tell me parents what happened and see if they could help. I ran to the edge of the woods and howled, calling to my parents. They rushed outside and I whimpered to get their attention. They twisted and saw me and rushed towards me. They knelt down and cradled my face. "We heard your howl. What is it?" Them being past 18 and already having their changing ceremony with their mate, they could read other Print Wolves minds. Jake was taken by scientists. I thought to them. "Oh no." They said fearfully. 

I need to change into human form so we can discuss what we are going to do. I think to them. They nodded and my mom rushed inside to grab some clothes for me to put on. She came back out with a pair of grey jogging pants and a black loose t-shirt. She held out her hands with the clothes laid out on them. I picked them up as carefully and she flinched. I whimpered. "It's fine. It just feels weird." I picked the clothes up and ran into the woods. I came to a gnarled tree that it twisted up into the sky. I laid the clothes down next to the tree and transformed. I put the clothes pack on and ran back to the house. I came to the edge of the woods and found it empty. They must have went back into the house. I thought as I ran into the house. I sniffed. Blood! I hadn't noticed it outside before because I was too worried about Jake. But it was so strong here that I couldn't ignore it. It took all of my energy to keep from yelling out to my parents. I quietly walked around the house for any sign of them. When I found nothing but blood I walked outside and sniffed the air. "Where is she?! She should have come back by now!" I heard angry, quiet whispers coming from the woods. 

"She'll be here soon." Said a new calm voice. I heard the other person grunt quietly, giving up. I walked in the direction of the voice. I quietly walked into the woods, slowly stalking my way towards the men's voice. I twisted my head around an oak tree and found two gruff looking men, each sitting on stumps with a magnum gun. My parents hands tied behind a tree with blood all over and around them. I covered my mouth as a cry tried to come out, but I was too late. "Hey who's there?!" Said the angry man. They stood up from the stumps they  were sitting on and looked around trying to find the source of the sound. I prayed that they wouldn't find me. "It was probably just an animal." Said one of the men. I silently released a blow of relief. 

I heard them sit back down on their stumps. I had to find a way to free my parents. I quietly went back to the house. I ran to my room and quietly undressed and changed into a wolf. If I was going to get my parents back I had to be in wolf form, but I couldn't let them find out that I was a Print Wolf if they didn't know already.  I half fell half walked down the stairs. Normal wolves are much smaller than us but hopefully those men won't notice. I went back outside and made a wide circle around them until I was behind the men. I smelt the men and followed the scent until I came up on their site. I fumbled into the clearing looking around and yipping trying to get their attention. They finally jumped up and turned towards me, guns at hand. I sniffed at the guns trying to look confused at the machine, but really sniffing to see if it was silver. That is the only type of metal that takes human length to heal. I kept trying to sell that I was just a dumb wolf that had wondered into their territory. "Look at this dumb animal. I should just shoot it now and put it out of it's misery." Said the angry man. I tried not to run or flinch so they knew that I was listening to their conversation and I could actually understand them. 

"No it will leave soon if we leave it be." Said the calm man. They started to walk back to their stumps to sit down and I slowly followed them, yipping every now and then. "Go on you dumb mutt." Said the loud man turning to me and raising his gun at my head. I quickly fell to the ground my stomach up showing that I meant no harm. I did my wolf smile, tilting my head and wagging vigorously. "You dumb mutt." He said his gaze softening. He slightly petted my head and turned to follow his partner. I jumped up still smiling and wagging and followed them. I pushed my thoughts out as far as I could and called for more wolves and Print Wolves. I told them, I need you to start making sound near this spot just enough to get these people to leave. They have taken my parents and I need to rescue them. Please help me. The most important thing to a wolf is its family and if another pack's family is in trouble there is a small chance that they might help. That is what I need. I NEED HELP. 

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