Chapter 27 Dowoon-Drwum

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We laid there for a what felt like only a few minutes but when I looked at the clock it read 4:35. I didn't want to get up but I knew if I didn't I would lay there forever just breathing in his scent, listening to his heartbeat, and listening to his breathing. I slowly moved away from him and sat up slowly. I heard him moan in frustration that I was moving. 

"Sorry you just lay there and rest. I mean do not get up. I'll be back later." I said sternly. He sat quietly for a few minutes but then nodded reluctantly. I swung one leg over him and was about to swing the other but he grabbed me just above the hips line holding me where I was. I looked down at his eyes to see them glistening with mischievousness.  I frowned slightly and said, "What are you doing?" 
"Keeping my mate right where I want her." He said simply. 

"Well you mate says to let her go." I said.

"And what if I don't  want to?" He asks.

"Then I guess I'll have to use some persuasion."

"And what persuasion would that be?" He asked, smirking, as I lowered myself to him. I felt grip loosen slightly but I thought, Just a little more. I slid my hands up his bare stomach and stopped them just above his heart. His smirk was still on his face and I thought, I need to wipe that smirk off his face. I kissed him. His grip didn't loosen but instead slid up my sides. Dang it the plan is backfiring! I though with more happiness than disappointment. Maybe it won't be all bad. I continued to kiss him as my hands rubbed up and down his chest. He suddenly flipped me with him on top, continuing to kiss me. My hands slowly moved to his back. They moved up to his neck and I pulled him closer, deepening the kiss. When we pulled apart for air we kept our foreheads together. "That was...amazing." I said. 

"Yeah.." He said clearly still trying to catch his breath like me. "You know.....we could continue." He said teasing me.

"Maybe soon but not just yet." I said reluctantly when we came apart, a tiny bit of regret lacing my heart, tempting me to say I changed my mind and let his body become one with mine. "I have to much to deal with right now."

He frowned slightly but then quickly replaced it with a wide smile. "Whatever you wish Alpha." He said emphasizing the word Alpha teasingly, trying to make me smile. I glared at him playfully.  I flipped him to where I was on top glaring down at him with both of my hands on each side of his head. He just continued to smile and my heart did a little flip at it. He sat up on his elbows and kissed me. He laid back down and smiled up at me again tempting me. I sat up and continued to glare at him. CRASH! We both jumped up and shared a quick glance before I rushed downstairs to where the noise came from. I peeked around the corner and saw men wearing all black and gas masks. I could tell they were human from the smell of them.  They threw something on the ground and green smoke came out of it. I covered my mouth when I heard many other CRASHES! coming from upstairs. I started to rush upstairs but one of the men in black grabbed me around the waist. "You're coming with me wolf. The boss wants to see you and your mate." I jerked around and gave him a glare that surprised him. I grabbed him by the head and flung him in front of me. With a loud thump he hit the floor. 

Two other men came up, one in front of me and one behind me. I had to get upstairs to Chase! I thought when I heard more noises up there like fighting. The men rushed at me at the same time. I sidestepped and they almost ran into each other but stopped at the last second. They both turned towards me and glared. Hmm. Usually that would work cause humans are so dumb. But these seemed to be well trained. I thought to myself as they rushed again.  I grabbed the first one by the head and brought him to my knee with such force that he got knocked out.  I dropped down and slide forward grabbing the other one by the legs and brought them with me as I continued to slide forward. His legs went backward and the rest of his body went forward, his face hit the ground with a loud Thump!. 

After making sure that bother men were out cold I rushed upstairs to find my room had been torn apart . The dresser was knocked over with the clothes flung everywhere. The shelf and desk had claw marks and bites everywhere. The walls had long gashes down the sides and blood was splattered across the floor in a few spots. 

"Chase." I said quietly at first. Then louder, "Chase where are you!" I morphed into my wolf form knowing that my senses were stronger in this form. I put my nose in the air and sniffed trying to find the trail to where he went. The scent lead to the shattered window. I put my front paws on the window sill and looked out and sniffed the air. I jumped out the window and onto the little covering we have above our back porch. I jumped down onto the ground and followed the trail into the woods. Why they went into the woods I have no idea. I broke into a run when I got a stronger scent of Chase. I heard talking ahead and slowed to a jog. 

"I'm just saying if the boss wanted the wolves then why don't we just kill them and take them to him."

"Because Jake................" Said another man. I stopped listening when I heard the name Jake. It couldn't be the Jake I know right? I thought to myself. I continued to listen, "then he's gonna kill him." They said the last part full of happiness. I started to stalk closer and tilted my head to the side trying to hear more when I heard a twig crack behind me. I turned around and growled quietly.He froze and stared at me for a few moments probably analyzing me. I slowly started to slide away from the area. Trying to act like a normal wolf. 

One of the men by the fire yelled, "Everything okay Alan?" 

He waited a few moments still looking at me before yelling, "Yeah just a random wolf!" 

The man by the fire yelled back, "Are you sure its not one of those stupid werewolves?" I growled quietly but the man in front of me put his finger to his lips and shushed me. 

"Yeah I'm sure!" He yelled back. Then silence. The man started walking towards me again and I backed away slowly baring my teeth at him. "Shh." He whispered to me. "I'm not going to hurt you. I know you're a werewolf and if you want to save you mate then you have to listen to me." He stopped and bent down and laid the stick down on the ground and stood back up. His hands went to the bottom of the ski mask and pulled it over his face, taking it off. He looked to be about in his young twenty's with glossy black hair and bright icy blue eyes.  "My name is Issac Bowmen. I just want to help you." He whispered. See? I jumped up and back when I heard the voice in my head. Issac let out a small chuckle. "Yes I can mind link. I'm half wolf. My dad was a werewolf and my mom was human. I'm the first of my kind. I know you must have question and I'll answer them in time, but right now we need to save Panther." 

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