11... (SERIOUS)

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I'm super scared guys. This isn't really a rant but... I'm awfully sick. I'm acting weird for e.g I feel nauseous but I won't throw up, my whole body is aching and sore like I can't stand straight and I can't eat much like I normally eat. I went to the doctor yesterday... They took some of my blood see what's wrong with me (I need to say it hurt like FUCK) They tried to take blood from my left arm but couldn't find the vein then they tried to to take blood from my right arm but my skin is thick so they had to dig deeper into my arm to the vein. I got the results back today... They don't know what's wrong with me... I'm going back to the doctor tomorrow... and their probably gonna draw more blood. I'm crying.


It hurts so much >~< At least I got some ice cream ^_-

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