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My problems don't matter at all. No one cares they're just pretending. Their problems are worst than mine. ALWAYS. It doesn't matter what I feel only they matter.

I always have to keep everyone happy but they never even try to keep me happy. I'm just in their way. I'm an obstacle to them.

I'm the hero that always saves others but where's the hero that saves me?

Everyone leaves me in the end. They don't care enough. No one does. Every time I'm sad and they ask why I'm said I just reply with "I'm just very tired" and they believe me. That's what hurts the most, they believe all my white lies.

It's as clear as daylight but no one seems to notice.

I like to think that I actually mean something to them.

I'm just afraid I annoy them.

Sometimes all I can do is smile.
Move on with my day,
Hold back the tears
And pretend I'm okay.


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