Chapter Four

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     When I walked out of my house so I could walk to school Alec was waiting for me. I rolled my eyes at him. "Why are you here Alec?" I asked. He smiled at me. "Nice to see you too. I'm going to walk with you to school. Then I'm going to make sure you don't get beaten up today. Then I'm going to walk you home." He told me. "You don't have to pretend you like me." I rolled my eyes again. "Who says I'm pretending?" We walked to school together and he walked me to my locker. I was waiting nervously for Amber to come for me but she never did. Alec walked me to my first hour. "Thank you Alec." I said to him. "I'll see you after class." He smiled at me. Surely enough he was waiting for me after every class so he could walk me to my next. After my last class he was waiting for me too. Before I could make it over to him I was punched in the face.

     "You can't get away from me that easily bitch! I see you've made a friend. It won't stop the beatings." Amber said while punching me repeatedly. She was soon pulled away from me. By Alec. "You better not touch her again." He growled at Amber. He grabbed my hand and pulled me down the hallway into one of the bathrooms. He grabbed a paper towel and got it wet before wiping blood from my eye and lip. "You ok?" He asked me. "Yeah. She doesn't punch that hard." I said quietly. He finished cleaning the cuts and we walked out of the school.

     "I hope you know I won't let you kill yourself." Alec told me. "That isn't really your problem now is it?" He doesn't really care about you Delilah. Don't let him fool you. He doesn't actually care. No one does and no one ever will. I reminded myself. I sighed knowing my thoughts were true. No one cares. They never will. My 'best friend' didn't care. Maybe people will care once I'm dead. Probably not. Watch people be happy I'm gone. They won't care. Not my dad, or my sister. Not Amber, or Alec. No one.

     "Delilah!" Alec yelled waving a hand in front of my face. "What? Sorry I zoned out." I said. "What were you thinking about?" He asked. "Nothing." "Come on tell me." I smirked. "I was wondering how long I would go to jail for if I cut your dick off in your sleep." I said making him freeze in place but I kept walking. Maybe that will get him off my case. "Wait up!" He yelled running to catch up to me. "Damn it." I muttered mainly to myself. "I said. Yes it is my problem because I actually care if you die or not." He said making me roll my eyes. When we got to my house I turned to him. "You don't care about me Alec. No one does. You can't stop me from killing myself tomorrow." I said before leaving him out on my door step alone.  Alec knows some of the secrets I keep.

(Picture of Amber on the side)

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