Chapter Five

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     So it is now Friday morning. My thoughts about tonight are racing. I am excited but scared at the same time. I will finally be gone. I will be out of everyone's way. No one will have to deal with me anymore. I will be gone. Forgotten from every mind. Amber and My dad will be happy. I'm sure they will. Alec can stop pretending he cares and Eliza can live a happy life. It will be so much better without me. 

     I'm greeted by Alec when I walk outside but I don't say a word. "Delilah did you hear me?" I nodded. "Are you ok?" I nodded again. "Will you say something? Please?" He asked. I just smiled and started walking to school. "Come on Delilah. Say something." He pleaded. I shook my head. "Delilah why won't you say something?" I shrugged. "Don't make me sing." He said. I shrugged again. He smirked at me. "SAY SOMETHING I'M GIVING UP ON YOU!!" He sang loudly and off key. I covered my ears and began to run from him. He chased after me making me giggle before covering my mouth. "Did you just giggle?" Alec sounded shocked from behind me. I stopped and turned to him. I shrugged before running away from him again. I could hear his footsteps chasing after me until we got to school. 

     We went to my locker, then he walked me to my first hour the whole way trying to make me talk. He wasn't successful. I sat in the back of class like usual so I could plan out tonight. I have to make it perfect. I will write a note for Amber, Eliza, Alec, and my dad. Each will say exactly how I feel. The good, bad, and ugly truth. I will put them on my bed and than take the pills. Then I will lay down on the bed to die.

     "Delilah What is the answer?" My math teacher Ms. Breslin asked. I looked up to see a problem written on the board. | - x + 4x - 4 | "The answer is (x-2)." I answered for her. "Very good. Thought you were daydreaming."

     Finally the day was over and my plan was full proof. I was met at the door of my sixth hour by Alec. I walked close to him scared that Amber would come. She did. "Hey Delilah. C-Can I talk to you for a second." I looked at Alec then back to her before I nodded. We walked out of Alec's hearing range and she began talking. "Listen Delilah." Why do all our conversations start with that? "I'm glad I won't see you after today. I hope your next school treats you worse." She said then face palmed herself. She tried to talk again but I had walked away.

     "Are you ok?" Alec asked. I nodded. "Still not talking?" I shook my head. When we got to my house he walked me to my door. "Delilah please say something. I may never hear your voice again." He pleaded with tears in his eyes. I sighed and put my hand on his shoulder. "Thank you for everything Alec. Bye." I leaned up and kissed his cheek before walking into the house.

     I went straight to my room so I could start on the letters. I wrote Eliza's first since she is the most important. I didn't even think about what to write. I just wrote it from my heart. I wrote out the secrets I keep.

(Picture of Delilahs dad on the side)

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