Honey Kiss♥

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The aroma of burning pastries.

The dead silence of the room.

The beautiful 13-year old girl.

Lost both her parents in a storm.


Ritah Nakamura, sat at her large mirror, that was too big for her size.

Her dazed sad eyes drifted onto the memento amulet of her deceased mother and father.

Today was there funeral. However, it was going to be celebrated as a party. That's how rich people work...

Three knocks interrupted her thoughts. She didn't bother answering, she was to depressed to be in her cheerful mood.

"Miss. Nakamura? Are you still sleeping?" Maria questioned peeking her chubby head in the door. She gave surprised look for me to be up. But of course, this wasn't the day to sleep greatly after all.

"Well,Since your up. Would you like me to get you dressed?" She said putting her soft hands on my shoulders for comfort. I shook my head, "Im fine, just make sure everything is in order." Maria gave me a doubtful look, she sighed and exited my room.

I turned my attention back on the amulet.

It was blue and had beautiful golden carvings atop.

My mother wore this everyday, and I couldn't help but stare at it. As my want for it became more and more envious.

But, the reason for getting it because she passed. Even made me, sick to my stomach to throw the jewelry away. However it was my mother's, and I couldn't possibly think about throwing it away.

I arranged the jewelry neatly around my neck and gazed at myself in the mirror.

Eyes of sadness glared at me back.

I sighed and got ready for the funeral.


It was cold and the rain poured rapidly as everyone became soaked, in rain water.

The air was ice cold, that you could see your clear breath as you'd breathe or talk. The rain didn't do much help either. The women who came in heels protested, and claimed they would get frostbite.

"And so we pray, that David Nakamura, Anna Nakamura. Son, Daughter, Wife, Husband, Brother, Mother, and Father. to live with god and his promised land. In the name of the lord, Amen."

Family, and close family friends swarmed through the Nakamura estate.

I stood on the balcony, watching the stars.

"Hello♪" a light male voice squealed. I turned to see a small blonde haired boy with hazel eyes. He smiled at me and tried to reach the railing. I couldn't help but chuckle and helped him get his way.

He beamed at me, "Whats your name?" he asked hugging the railing, a couple inches of the ground.

"R-Ritah Nakamura..." I puffed making my blue haired bangs fly in the air and settle back on my blue eyes.

His smile faded, he ploped to the ground and stared at me with his alluring eyes.

"Sorry, Ritah-Tan.."

I looked at him with a surprised look. "Tan?" (Tan is an horrific saying as a way of cuteness.)

He Perked up. "Yeah, Cause Ritah is pretty. So she should smile more, even when things are bad ♥!"

My face flushed. "D-Don't say such things!"


Mama, Papa..

there's someone I love.

who being around only makes me concentrate on him and no other.

Who, can only make me mad happy and sad all at once.

The person who can only make my heart rate speed up.

Honey, I love you...

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