Chapter 1

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4 years later:

A modern city hidden behind beautiful fronts-The golden glow of the stone as the sun goes down in spring and hits the old buildings bordering the river with its last rays.

With the shrill calls of the swallows flying through the darkening sky as you cross a bridge over the Seine and breathe.

That something in the air that transforms your regular everyday city into something else for a brief moment that will last an eternity in your memory.

Today was the day, she was finally leaving Paris!

The blue haired teen grinned widely as she jumped on her cushioned bed with clear glee. Her old fashioned maid, Natasha watched aimlessly while bobbing her head to every time she jumped.

"I'm" bounce "going" bounce "to" bounce "Japan!!" Flop

Natasha sweat-dropped as she stared at Rita's sprawled out body with her blue hair tousled into curls and knots. Rita, having not noticed or chose to ignore-laid on her bed with her short white nightgown that lifted over to her waist, showing her porcelain legs while kicking them mindlessly in the air.

Natasha sighed, running her frail hands threw her short and shagged hazel hair. "Lady Nakamura, your uncle requests your presence."

Accelerated, she sat up making Natasha flinch from her speed, Rita immediately ran to the bathroom shutting the door with a slam, and her constant lovely singing was replaced with the drizzle of a shower.

"When your done, we must go visit your uncle in his study."

A groan was heard.

Natasha sighed and laid Rita's clothes on her King sized bed.

Really, that bed cost more than Natatsha's house.

The blue haired beauty walked out the bathroom with her hourglass figure protruding down the hallway.

"I hope you know that you still have a concert today before we leave." The ginger retorted earning a groan from the azure beauty.

[5 hours later]

"Bonjour, Americans! We are proud to present Rìtah Nakamura!" A frail french man introduced on the tv.

Haruhi turned to the small blonde boy who- instead of eating cake- decided to watch this with a serious expression on his usually smiling face. "Hunnie-senpai? Is something wrong?" After Haruhi asked, everyone turned their attention on the bunnie loving boy.

Hunnie didn't respond. He seemed as if he was in a daze and continued to look at the screen with a bit of yearn. "Mitsukuni-" Takashi started, but was interrupted by Hunnie's cold eyes.

"Enough. Rìtah-tan is on."

Everyone immediately quieted down and stared at Hunnie's with shocked expressions.
He turned back to the t.v and soon The stage lights dimmed as a small figure walked on.

A spotlight fell onto the most beautiful girl Haruhi has ever seen. She was small, around Hunnie's height or smaller. She had gorgeous long blue hair that fell past her waist. Her eyes matched her beautiful hair with a light hue, accompanied by it was her long eyelashes that swooped across her porcelain skin. The girl wore a white laced dress that clung to her chest area(which was quite average, but bigger than haruhi's) but other than that it flowed freely like a mermaid dress.

"Hello everyone. I know you wanted a French song, but since I'm going to Japan soon why not sing a Japanese song. Here I go." The crowd cheered as she said those final words and music started playing.

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