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On his walk to work, Aldrich kept finding that he wanted to smile. His thoughts kept going back to that small boy. Those delicate hands, that tender voice... It sent a shiver of pleasure up his spine. He couldn't wait to take that innocence between his teeth, rip it to shreds, leave that soft body shaking, hear those pitiful mewls...

He had to stop thinking about it or else run the risk of someone noticing how his hands shook. What he really wanted was to take the child by force, ravage him so thoroughly that no one could put together what was left. But Aldrich had had to change his plans when he'd seen the boy's reaction to being cornered. His instincts were phenomenal, his strength supernatural. No, the boy couldn't simply be taken. Aldrich's broad shoulders and tall build would allow him to overpower the boy quickly, but Aldrich himself might still get hurt in the process and though he enjoyed inflicting pain, he wasn't very fond of receiving it.

Aldrich pushed through the front doors of the prison, marching down to his office with an aura of calm purpose. No one would ever guess the atrocities that played out in his mind in rich detail, the depravity of them sustaining him like the blood of a virgin sustains a demon.

Aldrich poured himself another glass of brandy, thinking. The heavy, ornate bottle clunked dully against the wood of his desktop as he set it down. Thoughtfully rubbing his beard, he contemplated the current situation.

Jerry Smith, supposedly the 'god' everyone's been waiting for, had taken most of the prisoners, leaving the last few with a warning. Aldrich had never believed in the prophesy that had been retold and retold since the beginning of the Final War, but if everyone else believed it, then that gave Jerry the upper hand...

He drained the glass, setting it beside the bottle when it was empty. One week. That was how much time he'd been given. He was torn between wanting to take it slow to earn a few 'play' sessions with trust, and simply overpowering the boy and forcing him to comply.

Over his years as Warden, Aldrich had taken more than a few, younger-looking men into his office. Every time they'd been beaten and used on the first visit. There was certain thrill to be taken from their tears, from the blood that seeped from split lips or cut cheeks.

But restraining himself, making the boy, little Morty, love him first... There was something equally thrilling about the prospect of a willing toy. And the longer he was kept from what he wanted, well, surely that would make the inevitable gratification that much sweeter.

Aldrich had to close his eyes and wipe his thoughts clean for a moment in order to level his breathing back out. It was relatively early- he'd only been in his office for an hour or two- but he wanted Morty, wanted to make the boy love him more, so he stood and went to the door, speaking to the guard outside and giving him a now-common order.

"Bring me the boy."

This time, when Aldrich pulled down the zipper of Morty's suit the child didn't resist. With his little hands bunched in the fabric, Morty held the pants half of his jumpsuit up, looking up at Aldrich without fear.

On one knee, Aldrich gently worked one of Morty's hands free. The suit slumped further down. Morty was brown-haired down there too.

Aldrich leaned forward, kissed the boy on the cheek, just barely brushing the corner of Morty's mouth. Morty didn't turn away, nor did he pull his hand free or his suit up. Gently, careful not to scare him, Aldrich took Morty into his arms, picking him up and carrying to the chair.

Morty settled into his normal position of comfort- between Aldrich's legs with his head on the man's chest. Aldrich started to pet Morty's hair, gently rubbing the back of the boy's head.

Quietly, Aldrich started to hum, the soft tone filling the silence of the room. His hand went lower than Morty's head, and this time he didn't stop at the boy's stomach. Large hand on Morty's leg, Aldrich gently rubbed along his inner thigh.

Morty tensed, breath hitching. Conscious of how easily spooked the child was, Aldrich continued to rub slow circles on Morty's thigh, humming. Slowly, his tiny body relaxed and he leaned against Aldrich comfortably once again.

Aldrich's hand slid a little higher, a little closer. Morty tensed again, but he relaxed quicker this time, his breath occasionally quivering. The boy shifted, but not away from Aldrich's hands.

The pressure of suppressed needs built up in Aldrich, curled like a dragon in his stomach, until he felt almost ready to explode from it, but he managed to keep his hands from shaking.

He wouldn't hurt the boy tonight, but maybe hearing Morty beg would sate some of this thirst.

Walking home in the lavender haze of dusk, Aldrich kept replaying the moments in his office over and over again. Morty had tried to stay silent, but small whimpers had escaped, further igniting the flames of Aldrich's lust.

Trying to shake the thoughts away for just a moment, calming his breathing, running his hand through his brown hair, Aldrich made himself presentable and walked trough the front door of his home, greeting his spouse with a kiss on the lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2017 ⏰

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