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Jasper's p.o.v.

It's been a week since the new girl started school but she seems off. Like, she doesn't want to look anyone in the eyes, she doesnt want to talk to anyone. One way to describe the girl is beautiful.

"Hey Lillie!" I hear Joe happily say as the girl walks into the classroom with her head down. She looks up and smiles a little as she sits at her desk.

"How are you?" I ask her. She looks at me with fear in her eyes.

"Fine. Yourself?"

"I'm good, you sure your ok Lillie?"

"I'm fine."

"Hey did you guys see that fight during breakfast?" Joe asks, interrupting us. I shake my head. "Damn, I heard it but the crowd was too big to see anything."

"Kind of figured. Everyone piles on top of one another when there's a fight." I reply and then Joe switches the topic to last nights football game. In which I won for the team. By the end of the day I was exhausted. Everyone was congratulating me on the teams win last night but all I could think about was Lillie. She seemed more off than usual, I hoped to talk to her but she dismissed the subject with a wave of her hand.

"Hey!" I hear a girl yell, a yell filled with anger. I turn around and see Drama Queen Jane and Lillie. I look around and find Joe, not to far, looking for the source of the yell. I run over to him.

"What's going on?" He asks immediately as I start pulling him to the girls. There was already a group of on lookers.

"Jane." I say while I start pushing people aside.

"Jane? Your ex Jane? Like cheerleader Jane?"

"Yes." I say as we make it towards the front.

"You stole my boyfriend!" Jane yelled at Lillie. Lillie just shrugged it off and looked bored, like she had better things to be doing. "You b¡tch! You think your all cool and slick well you can kiss my ass you wh*re!!"

"Why is she attacking Lillie?" Joe whispers to me and I just shrug.

"Are you done?" Lillie asks calmly, as if she wasn't being yelled at at all.

"B¡tch, you think this is over-" Jane starts but Lillie cuts her off.

"Look Miss Perfect, like I said this morning. I have better things to be doing and better places to be. So, if you'll be ever so kind, drop it. Your boyfriend left you because you don't deserve him. You, Miss Perfect, are selfish. Do youself a favor and cut the act. Be nicer. And maybe you can get your boyfriend back. Now goodbye, and please, if you don't want your reputation to fall into a hole, leave me alone." Lillie then turned around and walked to her bus like nothing happened. Although she left a gawking Jane in a crowd of people, she still found the courage to smile at Joe and me and wave before exiting the circle people made around her and Jane.

"What just happened?" Joe asked watching Lillie climb onto her bus.

"Jane just got told off without being cussed at." I say turning around to walk away to our bus.

"Jasper! Joe!" I heard a female voice call. Jane. I turned around and looked at Joe and he at me, then we looked at Jane.

"What?" We asked in usion. We glanced at each other then back at the girl in front of us.

"I'm sorry." My jaw dropped. Throughout the seven years I knew Jane she has not once apologized for anything. "I'm really sorry, I never realized how selfish I've been, and can you two please forgive me?" I stared at her, I no longer knew this girl.

"No." I hear Joe say. "I'm not going to forgive you. So don't even try getting my forgiveness. You don't deserve it. Now if you'll excuse us, me and my brother have to get to our bus." Joe then grabs my wrist and pulls me to our bus. We climb on just in time because the first bus was just beginning to leave.

"So the fight in the morning..." I trail off.

"Jasper, Jane is just trying to start drama. She realized that she made a mistake when she cheated on you and wants to have the chance to do it again. You and I both know that she's just a selfish b¡tch."

"Joe, me and Jane have been separated for two years. The fight this morning was most likely just Jane trying to get Lillie to fight."

"Hold up. Your right. Who was she dating again? Jake? Oscar?"

"I think it was Drake."

"Football player?"

"No, soccer player."

"You think Lillie will go for him?" I looked at my brother bewildered. I searched his eyes for something that I could tell was there. I could tell by the way he said it. I smiled. "No! It's not what you think!" He screeches with bright red cheeks.

"Yes it is! My baby brother is in love!" I shout happily.

"I am not!" He yells at me then hides his face. Thank goodness the people on our bus are loud or we would have been getting a scolding from the bus driver.

"How do you plan on getting her?" I ask curiously looking at him.

"What?" He looks up, his cheeks a light, fading, red.

"How do you plan on getting with Lillie? I doubt she's like other girls that are just dying to get with us and our good looks."

"Our stop is next." I look at him confused then notice it's time for us to get off. We get up and off the bus. While we walk I try to get more information out of my closed off brother.


"What?" He asks like he doesn't know what I'm talking about. I groan as we walk into our house.

"Hey boys, how was school?" Our mom greets us from the kitchen.

"Mom! I have news!" I yell and head towards the kitchen.

"Don't you dare." Joe hisses at me. I smirk at him and continue my path.

"What is it honey?"

"Joe-" I get tackled from behind at the entry way of the kitchen. My mom breaks into a fit of giggles as her two boys wrestle on the kitchen floor. I pinned Joe on the floor, both of us breathless, but he still fights to stop me from saying what he knew was on the tip of my tongue. "Joe has a crush on a girl!!" Just then I loose all the breath in my lungs. Joe nut checked me.

Author's note:

This chapter is for the silent readers that are reading this story even if it is bad (to me it is bad at least) I'll try to update this story more but I'm working on the other two that are connected to it and a few others. well that's all i have to out? take care all of you.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2018 ⏰

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