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{ Grace }
Paige , Bam and Ryan where all going to the mall so it was just me and Johnny. I went into the lounge to sit on the couch next to Johnny "so Grace where are you from " he asked " I'm original from Australia " I said " oh do you visit your family?" He asked.

I looked down " I uh don't really get to see them that much " I said " oh " , Johnny moved closer  " I mean I would die just to see them you know , with all this studying I am doing and all the acting classes " I replied.

{ Johnny }
Grace started to get tired so she fell asleep on me. I feel sorry because she doesn't get to see her family and the only close family member she has is Paige and Dunn is like a brother to her.

{ Ryan }
It was about 4pm and we just got home. I walked into the lounge and I brought McDonald's for Grace and Johnny. I saw them asleep I walked up to Bam and Paige " hey guys get 2 buckets and fill them up with cold water " the nodded and we laughed.

We went up to them and shouted , Grace and Johnny's eyes shot open. And Bam and Paige poured the freezing water on them. " AHHHHH " the screamed we all started laughing.

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