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{ Grace }
Since Bam and Paige chucked water on us I got changed into some sweat pants and a nice and warm jumper. I headed into the kitchen everyone was eating.  I took a seat next to Ryan
" I hate you " I mumbled to him. He started to crack up " hahaha you love me " he replied , I started to eat my McDonald's.

Paige took the trash out " Hey losers want to go in the hot tube " Bam asked everyone and we all agreed. We all made our way to the hot tube " at least it's warm " Ryan said " nah it's cold " Paige said and we all started to laugh. We sat in there for a while " Hey I'm getting tired so I'm gonna go to bed " I said to everyone. Everyone decided to head to bed to, I made my way to the bedroom " hey Grace is it ok if I sleep here again ?" Johnny asked " uh yeah sure" I replied.

{ Paige }
I woke up to the sound of laughter coming from the lounge I made my way down stairs.
I walked into the lounge and saw the boys up " good morning lady's " I laughed they all laughed to " hey Paige we are going to head to set " Bam said " sure " I replied. Hm what to do , I walked up to Grace's room " WAKE UP " I shouted at her and jumped on the bed. Grace finally got up " Hey since the boys are at set do you want to do something ?" I asked " sure " Grace said.

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