SS #4 : One of Many

47 7 9

Genre: Teen Fiction
Started: October 19, 2017
Finished: November 7, 2017

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Darkness was the first to greet me as I came to be in this world. There was nothing I could make sense of in this place I woke in save the dampness that seemed to seep in at every crack and every cavity in this shell that enveloped me.

I paused. Shell?

The tips of my being tapped and grazed the sides of this prison that encased me. It let out a small hard sound like striking against a nearly full container. I tried to get the feel of this place. I wriggled inside and was astonished at how little space was allotted for a life like mine. Small hard sound and little space, how tiny this prison shell must be.

Oddly enough, I was neither afraid nor anxious of my situation. Somehow, somewhere inside me, a tiny voice kept whispering: "Don't worry little seed, everything is how it should be."

Time passed by and the shell that used to hold me crumbled to pieces and melted into its surroundings.

Before I even knew it, light flooded through my being as I broke out of my prison. It was exhilarating-like nothing I ever felt before. I indulged on the yellow rays from the ball of light high above me giving me energy and filling me with pleasure I never once thought possible. I was getting full. The light was feeding me! A high calling was what I once thought it was. The light called me and we were meant to be together.

A breeze flew by me and shook my entire frame. My body swayed right to left and my head felt threateningly easy to remove-but it remained attached, fortunately. A gentle reminder of the wind to come was what it was to me.

And sure enough, a strong gust of wind blew from the east not moments after the breeze died down. I was supposed to feel afraid, threatened, or I daresay, nervous. But neither one of these emerged. I felt relaxed, at ease even. I extended my arms outward and let the wind blew the leaves. The petals on my head swayed like the waves of the grass fields that surrounded me-dancing with the wind that traveled above it. My body was lifted into the high heavens and carried above the sea of foam white amongst the sheet of blue. I was ecstatic, at least that was how it felt until the winds died down and remained silent for the rest of the day.

Another voice came upon me in whispers and said, "Oh little flower, the tumultuous times has yet to come. Treasure these moments while they last."

Again, time passed me by and I saw the ball of light appear from behind the looming triangular structures in the distant horizon-a herald of a new day that was to come.

Mountains and the sun, yes. That was what the butterflies called the triangular structures and the ball of light when they came for a visit earlier this day. They kept giving me information about this world I-I mean, we live in. They said I should learn more because I kept growing now into my middle stage. I was more than glad to receive these new learning if it helped me understand this world better.

I was not alone. There were hundreds of ones like me out there. And we were all called flowers which give life and color to the world we live in. I knew now that the sheet of blue that turns to abyss black on certain times of the day was called the sky. I now knew that the white foam that floated near it was called the clouds. Beyond this stretch of green grasses I saw, the butterflies said a dwelling called cottage lay somewhere surrounded by a fence where beings thrived and they were called humans.

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