SS #3 : Chains

61 8 19

Genre: Horror
Started: October 2, 2017
Finished: October 3, 2017

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Day 1; 6:08 am
I finally got the chance. I don't want to die in this basement alone, hungry, and...FORGOTTEN! I don't want to die without anyone knowing what happened to us. And now I found this old rugged notebook and some pencil to write with, I might as well use it.

Sorry for my aweful writing and grammar but, I need to be quick about this. Or SHE will come back!!!

I am about to tell you the story of how me and my friends got here and how it all came to this. It may seem too scary to be true or too imaginative to be real but if there's only one thing I can tell you, it's that everything I say from now on really happened.

It was Saturday evening right after Halloween, my friends and I went to the carnival for the circus. They are called the Jester and his Queen. Lame name I know, but they are said to be the best scarers in the state. One of their acts is called "Death by Chain" where one of the actors will wrap himself in a thick metallic chain and lock it with a safety lock. If he escapes alive, whoever catches the chain will have luck granted to them.

Looking back at it now I curse under my breath. We shouldn't have done it! I should've known! I should know it was a plot, a ploy, a deception to pass on some sort of curse. I am the smart one, I should've known!

But we were tricked.

The actor escaped and he threw the chain at us and all three of us--without worry--caught it with no problem. I was the first to smile. I thought it was good for the three of us.

For the first week it was bliss. First it was just a simple gift, a PSP from a random person. We didn't tell any of our parents what we did and what we received. At that time we didn't want them to know. Now, I just don't want them to get involved. We played all night not thinking about the test tomorrow. After the PSP, the gifts are getting bigger and grander. It was followed by a computer set, cash, more toys, and at the last day, a red glossy car was given to each of us. We were so happy at that time.

But then, things started going south. It started simple. The PSP and computer set given to us exploded. Our houses simultaneously caught on fire. The state fire department was quick to respond. No serious casualty was attained except for property. At that time I thought it was overusage. I thought we were playing too much that's why the PSP and the computer overheated.

I should've thought better. I should've known it was part of the curse!

After the fire incident, more and more accidents happened. Thieves came to each of our houses on consecutive days and stole the cash given to us. My older sister was sliced across her face. Good thing she recovered. But she kept complaining about it.

After that, my baby brother Daryl, swallowed one of my toys. He was rushed to the hospital. I was so nervous. It was nerve wrecking waiting for the results. The doctors came to us hours later. They said they did their best. They said they've done everything they could.

Daryl died of poisoning. Some material he swallowed.

I pleaded at the police department for an investigation to find out what really happened. But they all denied me and my parents. We were heartbroken. After all, what would they investigate on? There was no lead, no suspect, no evidence.

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