Training Wheels

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Note: Based off of the song Training Wheels by Melanie Martinez. I hope you enjoy this one-shot!

Pairing: H2OWildcat

When Tyler was little, he loved riding his bike around the neighborhood. You would always find him riding down the block with a huge smile on his face. 

One thing to note is that Tyler always had training wheels on his bike. He did want to learn how to ride his bike without them, but he had seen how other kids had fared, and let's just say he would rather not fall on his face. 

There was another boy on the street that Tyler lived on, and his name was Jonathan. Jonathan was an older kid, one who had learned how to ride his own bike without training wheels. Jonathan scared Tyler. Tyler had seen Jonathan messing with some of the younger kids his age before, and Tyler did not want to get beaten up because he still couldn't ride his bike without the training wheels. 

It was a quiet when Tyler got on his bike that day. Tyler didn't mind it. Sure, it was a little boring, especially since he wasn't with his friends. But he loved the feeling of the wind against his face, so off he went. 

Halfway down the road, his bike ran over something, causing Tyler to sort of fly off his bike and land with a thud. Tyler winced, and felt tears prick at his eyes. He sniffed and wiped them away as he looked back at his bike. It wasn't broken or anything, it was just turned over. He got up and walked over to it, turning it over.

He was about to get on it again when he heard a scoff. He looked and froze. Jonathan was leaning against his mailbox, the stick of a lollipop hanging out of his mouth. "You still use training wheels?" he asked. Tyler considered just getting on his bike and going home, but that would probably end with Jonathan coming to get him later on. So, he held his ground, although his grip on the bike tightened.

"Yeah? So?" Jonathan smiled and laughed. He pulled the lollipop out of his mouth with a pop.

"You must have a lot of courage to talk to me like that, kid."

That was it. Tyler was done for, he knew it. He closed his eyes, waiting for Jonathan to walk up to him and knock him down or something. He did hear Jonathan walk up to him, which caused him to scrunch his eyes shut even more. Jonathan suddenly picked him up, which caused him to squeal.

But instead of anything bad happening, Jonathan set him back down on the bike. Tyler opened his eyes and looked back. Jonathan was crouched down next to the back wheels. He stood after a second and smiled at Tyler. "Stay here," he told him before going back into his house. Tyler blinked in surprise. He had no idea what Jonathan was going to do, and he didn't know if that should scare him or not. 

He stared at the door, and a couple minutes later Jonathan stepped out, now holding a small wrench. Jonathan walked back to Tyler and the bike, giving Tyler another smile before he crouched down to the back wheels of the bike. Tyler looked back, and his eyes widened. Jonathan was taking off the training wheels. "W-what are you doing?" he asked. If Jonathan was going to make him ride his bike home without the training wheels, then he was screwed. 

"I'm going to teach you how to ride your bike without training wheels."

Wait, what?

Jonathan finished pulling off the training wheels and set them aside. He stood up and held onto one of the handles with one hand and the back of the seat with the other. "Are you ready?"

"No," Tyler squeaked out. This was terrifying to him.

Jonathan rolled his eyes, "Come on kid, just put your feet on the pedals. You aren't going to get anywhere with training wheels."

"I can get to many places with them," Tyler argued. He had been able to ride down the block with them on, so what did he mean? 

Jonathan rolled his eyes again and sighed. "Just put your feet on the pedals and hold on, will ya?" 

Afraid that Jonathan was going to do something to him if he didn't, he put his feet on the pedals and held on to the handlebars tightly. Jonathan began to walk forward, picking up his speed slowly.

Soon, he was jogging. "I'm going to let go, okay?" Tyler looked back, shaking his head furiously. "Kid, come on. Look forward, keeps your hands steady. You know how to stop if you need to." Tyler gulped and looked forward again. "Alright, 3... 2... 1... Go!"

Jonathan let go, and for a moment, Tyler was riding his bike without training wheels. The thought made Tyler smile and laugh.

It didn't last long, though, as Tyler quickly lost control, and ended up running into a tree, no matter how hard he tried stopping.

Jonathan quickly ran over, cursing under his breath. "Hey, kid, are you okay?"

When Tyler looked up at him with teary eyes, he cursed himself for not being more careful. He sighed and picked Tyler up. "Come on kid, let's get you cleaned up." Tyler clung onto Jonathan, sniffling. He buried his head into Jonathan's shoulder. Jonathan grabbed the bike and pulled it up to his house, leaving it on the porch before he walked inside. He went into the bathroom, setting Tyler on the counter. He grabbed a washrag and wet it before he wiped Tyler's face, cleaning all the dirt and the scrapes he had. He also wiped Tyler's arms and legs, which also had some scrapes from the crash landing.

Next he got the band-aids from under the counter and covered what was bleeding. He put the last one on Tyler's cheek before putting the band-aids back where they came from. "Do you feel better?" Tyler nodded, following up with a yawn. Jonathan chuckled and picked Tyler up. "Let's get you home, kid. Where do you live?" Tyler mumbled the address before promptly falling asleep. Jonathan walked outside, picking up the bike and bringing it with him. It wasn't that late in Jonathan's opinion, but he knew for Tyler it was probably pretty late. 

Soon, Jonathan had reached Tyler's house. He knocked on the door and waited. As he waited, he looked down at Tyler, who was still sleeping. He smiled at him when the door opened. Jonathan looked back to see a woman standing there, presumably Tyler's mother. "Uh, I just wanted to bring your son home since he was riding near my house and uh, kinda crashed. Kinda my fault, since I was uh, trying to teach him how to ride a bike without training wheels. I fixed him up though, so uh, yeah. Oh, and I brought the bike back too." He looked down at it and nearly hit himself. "Crap, I forgot the training wheels at my house. Uh, sorry about that, ma'am. I'll bring them back tomorrow, or today if you want." He looked back at the woman, who was smiling warmly at him.

"Thank you, dear." She took Tyler from his arms and kissed Tyler's head. "It's past his bedtime anyways. Do you want to come in and have a snack before you go home?"

Jonathan shook his head, "No ma'am, I'm good."

"Alright, if you say so. Thank you again."

"Not a problem. But uh, what do you want me to do with the bike?"

"Just leave it on the lawn, sweetie." Jonathan nodded, and she closed the door. Jonathan put the bike on the lawn like she said and walked home.

When he got there, he spotted the training wheels and cursed. Oh well, he thought. I'll just bring them back tomorrow. He moved them onto the where he knew he would see them and went inside.

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