Love Letter

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Tumblr prompt: A love letter written with magazine clippings

Pairing: H2OWildcat

No one could understand how Tyler could have fallen for the weirdest kid on the block.

He was just so...weird.

His laugh was weird (he sounded like a psychopath whenever he did), his interests were weird (they ranged from bloody horror movies like Friday the 13th (which was his favorite movie) to teddy bears), and just his personality was weird (he always laughed at everything and never got upset (which wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but you would he would cry at least once being a kid)).

The adults (and some of his friends) would always ask, "Do you really like him?"

Tyler always responded with a firm nod.

If you ever asked him if he was going to do anything about it, he would shrug and wouldn't say anything. Truth be told, he was nervous about confessing to the other boy. Mainly because he was afraid he'd mess something up.

He knew that most people weren't a big fan of this boy, mostly because of how "annoying" he was (Tyler never understood how he was annoying).

But knowing that, he didn't know how many people teased the boy, hence where his fear came in. What if the boy thought he was playing a prank?

Another problem was that he had no idea how to confess. He wanted it to be different, and possibly weird (he knew the boy had a knack for weird things, why not make it weird? Besides, it might give him a better chance of not being rejected). But he couldn't think of anything.

That is, until Valentine's Day came around.

He was watching a show that was on TV about some serial killer (his mom had an interest in these types of shows), where the killer had random notes written from magazine clippings. That sparked an idea in Tyler's mind, and he gasped in delight. He turned to his mother, "Mom, do we have any magazines?"

"Yes, why?"

"Where are they?"

"In the basket, next to the front door. Why do you need magazines, sweetie?"

"For someone special," he replied, getting up from his spot. He grabbed a bunch of magazines and walked them into his room, setting them onto his desk before he grabbed more supplies (which included scissors, glue, and construction paper). From there, he went to work, cutting up the big letter from the titles of the arguments, before arranging them into a letter.

Once the letter was finished, he looked over it a few times before he decided it was good enough (he was going to ask his parents to read it over, but he figured they'd be no help and try to make the letter more "normal").

He skipped out of his room with a proud smile on his face and stopped in front of his mother. "Can I put a letter in the mailbox?"

"Who's it for?"

Tyler looked at the folded piece of paper in his hands. "A special person."

His mother raised an eyebrow, and Tyler looked up at her with big eyes. "Please?"

His mother sighed, and smiled slightly. "Fine. You know the address, correct?" Tyler nodded. "Alright, go on then." Tyler grinned widely at his mother and rushed out the door. He put the letter in the mailbox and rushed back inside and into his room, shutting his door behind him. He flopped onto his bed with butterflies in his stomach.

He really hoped this would work.


On Valentine's Day (the day after the letter was sent), after school, Tyler was in the living room watching TV when the doorbell rang. "Tyler, go see who it is, honey," his mother said. Tyler hopped off the couch and unlocked the door, opening it.

When Tyler opened it, he was surprised to see Jonathan standing there. He instantly felt butterflies in his stomach as Jonathan smiled at him. "Hi, Ty."

"Uh, h-hey, Jon."

Jonathan giggled slightly and rocked back and forth on his feet. His face was slightly pink, and he didn't look Tyler in the eyes.

Tyler noticed that he was holding something behind his back.

"Whatcha got there?"

Jonathan's face became even more pink. "I uh, I got your letter and uh, had something for you beforehand, but I was too scared to give it to you, but since you gave me your letter, I guess I should give you mine." He shoved the letter into Tyler's hands and looked at the ground with his hands behind his back.

Tyler opened the folded piece of paper to find that Jonathan had done the same thing he did; make a letter out of magazine clippings.


rOses are RED, vIOLeTs are BLUE, I lIke Teddy Bears, and I lIke yOu tOO!


Tyler blinked at he read the letter over and over, and felt his face grow hot. He looked up at Jonathan, who was looking at him expectantly (albeit a little worried). "Well?" he asked. Tyler's blank expression turned into a shy smile.

"I love it." Jonathan blinked and then smiled brightly.

"You do?" Tyler nodded, his smile growing. Jonathan jumped up and down in his spot before hugging Tyler with all of his might. Tyler hugged back, squeezing just as hard.

Jonathan pulled back, and looked behind him. There was a car in the driveway (presumably Jonathan's parents), and Jonathan frowned at it. He looked back at Tyler, his smile quickly returning. "I have to go home now. But thanks for being my Valentine!" he giggled. He gave Tyler a quick kiss on the cheek before he rushed back to his car, hopping into the back seat.

Jonathan rolled down his window, grinning and waving at Tyler as the car began to roll out of the driveway. "Bye, Tyler!"

Tyler waved, grinning back. He shut the door and went into his bedroom. He stared at the letter again and couldn't stop smiling or thinking about what had happened.

He put the letter on his dresser and went back out when his mother called him to get dinner.

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