Candor or Dauntless #2

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I wake up and smile, it has been a year since Toby and I started dating and I know everything there is to know about him (I can't remember if she knew about his dad in my first fan fic, just assume it)

I moved in with him a month ago, I just love him so much! I love moments like these, me waking up with his strong, safe arms around me, and his beautiful blue eyes staring into mine.

"Morning beautiful," he says kissing my forehead and I blush, I am glad he still has that effect on me. I lightly kiss his cheek.

"Good morning handsome," I reply and then bury my face in the pillow and take a deep breath through my nose breathing in his scent of safety.

"Tris, time to get up, we have initiates to train!" He says.

"They can train themselves," I groan into my pillow craving sleep.

"Tell you what, we train initiates then we go play Candor or Dauntless with the gang after," he says.

"Ugh. Fine, but call me six in front of the initiates and if they start flirting, I will kiss you, on the mouth, just be prepared. I don't care how weak it makes you look," I say staring at him and he just chuckles.

"Okay," he say and I roll out of bed, but I lost my balance and fell on the floor. Tobias laughs and I stand up painfully.

"You know, your not very nice," I say grabbing a black tank top and some dark gray skinny jeans, then apply some black eyeliner and some mascara. After taking a shower of course.

I brush my teeth, straighten my hair, then put on some combat boots. I walk out of the bathroom to see a shirtless Tobias. I stare at him, I have seen him shirtless before, but his body still amazes me.

"See something you like?" I asks in a low seductive tone, even though he knows I still fear intimacy.

I smile, "Nope," I say popping the 'p'. He rolls his eyes and puts on a plain black t-shirt that makes his muscles perfectly.

"I am hungry!" I announce, "Race you to the cafeteria!" he nods and we bolt out the door he tries to catch up to me, but I am light on my feet and much smaller which gives me an advantage. I win!

A few seconds later a panting Tobias meets me at the door of the cafeteria. "Took you long enough!" I joke and he embraces me in a sweating hug, "You know, sometimes I really hate you," I say sarcastically pulling away from the gross hug.

"But most of the time you love me!" He says kissing my forehead. We walk and grad a chocolate muffin and eat on our way to the net. As we get to the net I take my last bite muffin and wipe off my mouth.

Only a few seconds later a yellow and red figure flies down and hits the net. I hold out my hand while Tobias pulls on the side of the net allowing the person to get off. Her hand grabs mine and I pull her off the net.

"Thanks," she says in a quiet, yet kind voice.

"You're welcome" I say, "What's you name?"

"Ana," she says.

"Make the announcement Four," I say.

"FIRST JUMPER ANA!" he shouts to the crowd of dauntless behind us. More figures hit the net and we help them off. Eventually we have 4 Erudite

3 Candor 3 Amity and 9 dauntless born, no stiffs.

We go on the tour and a Candor girl just keeps staring at Tobias and the end of the tour we sit down at the cafeteria table the Candor on his right and me on his left. I grab his face with my hands and give him a kiss. The girl's face turns dark red with anger as she looks away and eats her hamburger.

Once we are done eating Toby and I walk to Zeke's for Candor or Dauntless.

Candor or Dauntless #2Where stories live. Discover now