Welcome to Fiore High!

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~Lucy POV~

Oh my gosh... Today is my first day at Fiore High. I ran to the doors with my suitcase following me. I opened the doors and the room was filled with chatter, people are scattered everywhere. I pushed my way through the crowds to get to the front desk.

"Hello and welcome to Fiore High, how may I help you?" A short old man said while smiling, he stood on the other side of the desk.

"I'm Lucy Heartfilia, I'm wanting to know where my dorm is and get the keys for it." I explained to the man. He gave me a set of keys and on the key, it said 'D280'

"The dorm is in area 2 on the top floor, you should be glad your dorm has the biggest rooms in that area." He told me. I walked out the lobby and went to area 2. This school is massive, there is 10 areas in total, each one has a different purpose area 1 and 2 were sleeping areas all the others. Well... Learning areas depending what level you're at. Once I got to area two, I saw how tall the place was. I walked in and looked on the maps seeing where all the rooms were, I had forgotten where my room was which the old man told me before. I found the number which was written on the key. I walked into the elevator and clicked the number 8 which was the top floor. The elevator finally reached the floor and the doors opened. I walked to my door and got my keys and unlocked the door. I opened the door and a pillow hit my face. I got angry and made my hands into fists.

"LOOK AT WHAT YOU HAVE DONE FLAME HEAD!" A boy with raven hair yelled.

"YOU STARTED ICE PRINCESS!" The strawberry haired boy screamed back.

" DO YOU TWO NEVER SHUT IT OR EVEN STOP FIGHTING" Three other boys said in unison. One of them with orange hair walked up to me and put his arm and around but I pushed his arm off of me.

"Mm looks like we have a granny living with us now" He told me. I rolled my eyes.

"Well if you guys aren't going to introduce yourselves, I will start, I'm Lucy Heartfilia" I told them.

"I'm Loke" The guy that told me I was a granny before.

"I'm Jellal Fernandes, and the white haired one is Lyon Vastia" He told me.

"I'm Natsu Dragoneel and I'm sorry about me throwing that pillow at you" He apologised.

"I-I'm G-Gray Fullbuster" He stuttered.

~Gray's POV~

Shit what was wrong with me, was I really just nervous to talk to a girl... I've had girlfriends before that have never made me feel this way before... This girl is strange, but she looks like she needs some new clothes... She needs some help with her sense of style.

~Lucy's POV~

I walked to the spare room and put all my stuff away in the cabin and draws. I walked out into the living room and all the boys were sitting on the couch. I walked out the door and went to the plaza area and I walked into someone.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't watching" I explained myself.

"Oh, it's fine, be glad it was me not Erza here" A short blue haired girl told me and pointed to a girl with scarlet hair.

"Mm, girl you to change your style, how do you think you will get a guy to like you if you're looking like a granny" The girl called "Erza". She grabs my wrist and dragged me to a black jeep.

"Where are you taking me" I asked.

"To the mall duh, you coming Levy" Erza asked, and Levy nodded, they got in the car and I followed her in. Erza started the car and drove to the mall. They dragged me all around the mall making me try on clothes and shoes. Some of the stuff they made me wear were nice, so I kept them. I wanted to wear one of the outfits so when I got back, I won't look like a 'granny'. When we got out of the mall, I went into the bathroom to wear one of my new outfits. The one I chosen to wear was my light blue ripped jeans and a sleeveless black top that said 'who cares' with dark grey vans. We went back to the car and drove back to college. I grabbed all my bags out the car and turned to face the girls.

"Well thanks for everything girls but I should get back to my dorm before it hits dark" I told them about to walk away with my bags, but Levy grabbed my arm.

"Where do think you're going, we aren't done with you yet" Levy told me. Once again, they were dragging me around the place. They brought me to their dorm and then into their bathroom. They started trying out different makeup on me but after a while they decided that I didn't need makeup because I naturally had black eyelashes, a good skin tone and red lips. Next, they styled my hair and I went with my hair down with it curled.

I was finally able to go back to my dorm. I walked out of the building and headed to where my dorm was. I unlocked the door and walked inside to find Natsu trying to cook. I looked to the couch and the boys were on the couch, Gray put water in his mouth and then he turned around when he saw me, he sprayed the water everywhere. All the other boys turned to see why Gray did that. They looked at me shocked.

"Wait who are you hottie" Loke said. I just rolled my eyes and went to my room to get rid of my old clothes and put my new ones in the draws. I looked at the time, it was 9:37pm. I got changed and cleaned my teeth, I put myself to bed. I have a feeling tomorrow was going to be a long day...

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