Don't Forget How Much I Love You

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[um, warning! you may become overwhelmed with extreme feels, but I don't know how well it's written so probably not. you have been warned]


"You know, you don't have to go," I said, sitting across the room watching him get ready.

He chuckled. "I should though. This needs to be solved, and without troops it's not going to go far,"

"But with troops, it'll just keep going. That's the point," I said.

"I'm sorry Levy, I'm going," he said sadly, starting to walk towards the door.

I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around him from behind. "No! No you can't just leave me here! I don't know if I'll ever see you again!"

He smiled and turned around to wrap his arms back around me. "I'll be fine. I always am."

I felt my eyes started to tear up as I buried my face into his t-shirt. "You don't know that! What if something happens? Then what am I suppose to do?"

His hands gripped the back of my shirt. "I don't know,"

"You don't know? You don't know!" I yelled into his chest. "How can you say that?"

He sighed, hugging me even tighter. "Because that's the hard truth, I'm sorry,"

I started to sob more, trying to hide my face in his t-shirt.

"Y-You, j-just can't g-go," I stuttered in between tears.

"Shh, shh," he whispered quietly, stroking the top of my head. "Please don't cry,"

"I-I c-can't help it," I said softly. "I-I love you,"

He pulled back a little bit and smiled down at me, even a few tears in the corners of his eyes. "I love you to. If you don't mind though, I'd like to say it properly,"

I watched as he pulled back from my arms and got down on one knee. I gasped, covering my gaping mouth with both my hands as I saw him pull out a little navy box.

He slowly pulled the top up, showcasing a beautifully slim silver ring. There was three jewels resting neatly in the metal band, all of them a shiny ruby, resembling his beautiful crimson eyes.

I felt more tears gathering up in my eyes. I dropped down onto my knees in front of his and started hitting his chest.

"Damn you, damn you!" I cried.

"Uh, what are you doing?" he said, stilling holding the ring box up with his two hands.

"Why, why did it take you this long? So you decided to do it right before you left?" I said with a small voice, lowering my head to the ground and my hand laying at my side.

He smiled, picking up my hand with his and interlocking our fingers. "The money took a while, but I can't just leave with out showing you how much you mean to me,"

"Then don't leave," I muttered.

He slowly let go of my hand and lifted it up with his, slowly sliding the cold ring onto my finger, kissing it lightly.

"I have to," he said, letting my hand drop gently.

"No you don't! How many times will it take to get that through your thick, dense head?" I said, starting to raise my voice.

"I guess a lot," he said, cracking a smile. "But it's not so much I have to I guess, more that I want to,"

I sighed, standing up and walking over to our bed, sitting on the edge. "Why do you want to go do something like this? It's horrible. All of the pointless killing.." I trailed off, thinking what might happen if he was one of those.

Gajeel and Levy One-Shots [GaLe] {Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now