His Jealousy

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"Well he doesn't really like to admit it, but I'll see him get jealous from time to time in the corner of my eye," Levy said, giggling. "It's so cute! It really shows me that he does really care,"

Reason Four - His Jealousy


Levy's P.O.V.

"Why can't you just admit you're jealous?" I teased Gajeel, laughing as he grew more frustrated.

"I'm not jealous! I just thought of something that pissed me off," he defended weakly.

I sighed, shaking my head. "Alright, well that fine then. I'm gonna hang out with Jet and Droy, okay?"

He grumbled something I couldn't really hear so I just shrugged and walked over to my two friends.

"Hey Levy!" Droy said happily as I sat down at the table with him. "What's new?"

"I think Gajeel jealous of you guys," I whispered quietly to the two, leaning in a bit.

"What?! Why?" Jet asked in the same hushed tone.

"Because you guys hang out with me a lot, I don't know!" I hissed. "But I want to make him jealous! I need your guys help."

They nodded, both quickly agreeing to do so. They both loved the idea of making Gajeel jealous.

I started to laugh loudly, gaining his attention quickly.

"Jet you're so funny," I said in between fake laughs, placing my hand over his that was on the table. He quickly blushed at the contact.

"Hey Levy," Droy muttered to me. "I don't think we have to do much more. He's already heading over-"

"Hey Shrimp," Gajeel said, forcibly putting on a smile for me. He looked over at Droy and Jet with a murderous gaze. "Guys."

They laughed nervously, standing up from their seats. "U-Uh, sorry Levy, w-we gotta go!" Jet stuttered as he and Droy hastily scurried away.

"So what was so funny Shrimp?" Gajeel asked.

I laughed, standing up to face him and like him in the chest.

"The fact that you're so jealous! Admit it!" I grinned.

He scowled, his cheeks red. "Not this nonsense again! I'm not jealous! I know you don't like those two idiots like that!"

I smiled, wrapping my arms around his waist and snuggling up into the fabric of his shirt. "Good. Because I love you and only you. Alright?"

I didn't see it but he smiled softly, hugging me back and resting his chin on my head in almost a protective way.

"I know."


"He's always denying it, but it's pretty easily to tell when he's lying," Levy smiled. "It's like he almost expects me to tell him constantly! Not that I don't, but it's still cute when he does get jealous."


[sorry it's so short guys! I'm trying here! I just have a lot of stuff going on in my life right now. And yes I have a little bit of an actually life :3]

Next time - Love Sickness

Gajeel and Levy One-Shots [GaLe] {Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now