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"Let's move on to the simpler secondary colours. Let's start with Orange.

Orange is the blend of red and yellow, is a mixture of the energy associated with red and the happiness associated with yellow.

The meaning of the colour orange is stimulating, vibrant, and flamboyant. While made up of red and yellow, it carries less aggression and fierceness than the colour red due to its combination with the calming colour yellow.

Orange is usually associated with autumn, autumn leaves, pumpkins, and when used alongside the colour black, Halloween. With the change in colour of the autumn leaves, orange often represents the changing seasons. Because of its association with change, orange is often used as a transitional colour or to represent a transition or change of some kind.

It is the colour of joy and creativity. Orange promotes a sense of general wellness and emotional energy that should be shared, such as compassion, passion, and warmth. Orange helps a person recover from disappointments, a wounded heart, or a blow to one's pride"

"Like how it helps with how disappointing it is to be diagnosed over time again and again"


im back did ya miss me? next update will be next frieday ;)

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