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Fighting with inner demons is the biggest challenge in LIFE. People often tend to refer each other as black and white in consensus with their hearts. But according to me people are grey rather shades of grey. No one is perfect. It is  just that everyone has darkness and light inside them. The other thing is perception of the person judging. It is just in the eyes of analyzer how much black and white does he observe from the palette(i.e.,heart) to incarnate a shade of grey as in reference to the quote 'Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder'. Everyone has this conflict just like battle between the mind and the heart.


Sometimes conversing with oneself is better than others as there is no need to open up or give baseless explanations. I sometimes crave for my own company as 'Talk to yourself so that you do not miss on the best people'.


Asad had asked for a favor. He was stuck in a problem but it was quite risk intended to help out.

He whined,"Please help me out. I really need your help." Then shoved his mouth with fries. Did I forget to mention he is big foodie.

I asked,"But why me?" It is not like I am the only one. He could have asked someone else. But the question remains 'why me?'

He frowned,"What why you?,remember you are my best friend 'A friend in need is a friend indeed'." Wow now he is sticking onto the facts.

I said,"I mean you could have asked others as you know with me involved it might lead to World War 3." It is not like I am scared or something but I love peace.

He smirked,"What scared hun?" I very well know what is he doing. He is getting onto my nerves as he indeed very well knows I do not back out of challenges. 

I snorted.

He commented,"Very much lady like."

I sarcastically laughed,"Haha! Haha!" To which he responded with a smirk.

Now I am questioning myself even if there is a little probability of yes.

I out of the blue said,"Point?"

There was silence again with him savoring his fries. I raised my left eyebrow waiting for his answer.

He replied,"The thing is yes there is risk of destroying your peace in your words but my dear friend you are the best for this task." Ok! I got it but still lots of things are clouding my mind. I need time to decide.

He said,"So."

I trailed,"So.."

He hissed,"Stop beating around the bush. So what's you say?" Him and his mood swings are like a girl PMSing.

I stated,"I need time to think."

He asked,"How much time?" pause "one second" I gave him a blank look "one minute" cold look "one hour" bored look as if trying to think

He dramatically said, "So how much time do you need your highness one month? one year?" Drama Queen 

I sighed,"What is it with you today? Why are you acting as if" you are on period "I mean being cranky."

He chuckled,"Got it what you actually meant." Damn Boy!

I innocently asked, "What?"

He said, "Now cut the act and think while I am enjoying my lunch" pulling my burger towards him. I gave him a deadly glare yet he continued eating my burger. I am not a food freak otherwise he would have had it from me. So I just shrugged.

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