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It my heart

It feels as if there is a hole

Tearing apart my soul

As dark as coal

As insignificant as a mole

Taking my life on a troll

'Smile'  is the best thing to hide misery and gloominess. Often it is easier to smile than to explain. Behind the facade lies the real struggle. Proving onto the irony of the quote 'Do not judge a book by its cover' in context to the human nature people judge on what they perceive.


In the library


The only person with whom I can share my heart out.

Even being an extrovert, at times there is a struggle to justify my thoughts.

But with her it seems so natural.

There is no need to filter my thoughts while conveying it to her.

It feels indeed very lucky to have someone there for you who

do not judges you

listens to you patiently

tries to reflect on your thoughts(otherwise I tend to hesitate to share my thoughts openly cause people joke about my weird imaginations) even if she cannot get what I intend to convey

to have someone who gives me 100% honest opinion

someone to lean on(she is my rock)

The most weird thing about our friendship she is not my best friend . She is something just beyond that label. Even at times when best friends tends to leave your but she stays. 

Ayesha snapped her fingers on my face,"Earth to. Where were you lost?"

I replied sarcastically, "Dreaming about elephant seals." My imaginations are really weird.

I sometimes wonder does zebras have white strips on black or black strips on white. Why are unicorns named 'unicorns' rather than 'unihorns'. If someone could read my thoughts I would be labeled as a 'CRAZY SOUL'.

She smiles at me smugly, "What? You and your imaginations idiot."

I just return her smile.

She then says,"Forget about this. I wanted to discuss something with you."

Even though I am just a weirdo. I talk all crap and non-sense at  times. Yet Ayesha feels as if I am the best person to discuss anything. Really this idiot friend of mine overvalues me too much.

Then she asks,"What is yours say on INNER PEACE?"

Ayesha am I a open book to you. This is the most significant topic revolutionizing my mind.

I smiled at her question to which she just raised her eyebrow.

I said,"To answer your question I would like to put forth a few examples in reference to my point of view."

After taking a deep breath I continued, "Firstly giving my example as an instance. So as you already know I am personified on the basis of my smile as i always like to wear it irrespective of any situation.It is not that my life is PERFECT, I do face hardships. It is just that I feel there is no use crying over a spilled milk as it does not reduce the problem but rather being optimistic and confident helps us to face it and indeed reduces stress and depression. Everyone tends to notice the outer facade. Alhamdullilah (All praise be to Allah) I have everything what one desires in a worldly life so what people assume is that I am really happy, but what about the void or the hole that I feel inside my heart that can only be healed via Inner Peace. INNER PEACE or  SOOTHING or CALMNESS what so ever you call is missing giving the essence of hollowness."

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