Meeting again

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Ten years later.........

      Fran I am so excited to everyone again! - says Violetta as she and he friend walk to Violettas house.
  F.   I know I miss Diego and Cami so much
F. Who do u miss.
V. Cami, Diego, Broduey, Ludmilla, Maxi, Naty, Angie, my dad.
F. What about leon?
V. Well since we broke up I miss him but he probably won't talk to me.
F. Why did he break up with you      
V. I don't even know one day he just came up to me and asked me if I wanted to break up and I said no but he still broke up with me it was actually right after I started talking to Andre a lot
F. Why were you talking to andre so much vilu
V. Because it was almost Leon's  birthday and I wanted to surprise him it was like on my birthday when we were on tour and Leon was talking to that girl so much and I got jealous
F. Oh maybe he got jealous like how he got when you where friends with Clement maybe he thought Andre liked you because a little later after he broke up with you he didn't talk to Andre for a while
V. Really he could have just asked me or Andre if something was happening I feel real bad right now
F. Maybe you will be able to talk to him tommorow
V. True
As they neared the Castillo's mansion Fran and Violetta saw Diego and Federico standing in front of the door
V. What's this
F. I have no idea
Fede ran up to Vilu picked her up spun her around and at the same time hugged her. Next to them Fran ran into Diego's open arms and kissed him.
V. When did you guys get here?
Fe. We flew into Buenos Aires yesterday
F. This is such an amazing surprise!!!! Said with love in her eyes ❤
V. Is everyone else here?
Fe&D. Let's go inside and find out.....

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