Youre my TRUE LOVE 💏

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V. You came
Le. I guess I did
As Violetta walked to the doorway of the room she saw a tall figure dressed in blue and white with blue converse on with messy brown hair unevenly cut and he had a card in his hand.
V. What's that in your hand?
As Leon handed her the envelope he said "im sorry"
When she opened the card she noticed that it was a light purple color with flowers on it then she opened it and it said "I love you" with hearts around it. Violetta looked up at him and as he moved closer she put her arms ever so gently around his neck as he leaned down and kissed her so slowly like she'd break. When they pulled apart Leon put his arms around her and hugged her as she hugged him back.


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Le. I love your smile
V. Would you like to see it more often?
Le. I would love that
V. So would I
Le. Well the then Violetta Castillo will you be my girlfriend again?
V. I thought you would never ask
As they walk out of the dance room they see everyone then everyone sees them and they are holding hands
All. ?
Le&V. We are back together!!
Camilla Fran and Ludmila run over to Vilu and give her a three way hug. Then Federico and all the other boys go over to Leon and give him pats on the back

Leonetta reunion Where stories live. Discover now