The date 💑

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V. Bye everyone
After the party everyone goes home to sleep when Fede Ludmila​ and vilu get home Herman and Angie have some news
H. Sit down everyone
They sit down on the perfectly white couch next to the table
V&L. What is it
A. You are going to have a brother!!
The girls exchange looks then look back at their parents and let out two high pitched happy squeals.
V. What are you going to name him ?
H&A. We were thinking Jorge
L&V. That is perfect
The girls stand up and give their parents hugs
H. Okay off to bed with you too

            1 YEAR LATER.... 

In Leon's bedroom Federico was helping Leon get ready for his date with Violetta and picked out a red coat white shirt and black pants with his favorite pair of sneakers.
Le. Fede i'm so nervous what if she says no 
Fe. Leon how could she say no she is the luckiest girl in the world 
Le. I guess but what if she is doubtful and loves someone else 
Fe. Do you remember our last year at the studio?
Le. Yes of course how could I forget
Fe. Well that year she tried so hard to get back with you after you broke up with her and when you were unconscious in the hospital she didn't sleep or go home she stayed at the hospital for three days because she was so upset that you might not be able to dance or sing again but most importantly she wanted you to come back. 

Le. She never told me that before when I woke up she hugged me so tight and wouldn't let go until the doctor told her to
Fe. Leon don't worry she won't say no
Le. I hope you are right

In Violetta's room Violetta and Ludmilla are at the Castillo house in Violetta's room Ludmilla picked out a white dress and white knee high boots for her sister. 

L. You will look amazing in this !  V. I hope Leon will like it  
L. Of course he will he will think you are beautiful no matter what you wearing he thinks you are amazing inside and out
V. Okay
The 29 year old brunette went into her closet and changed into the dress and shoes.
               30 minutes later-
(Knock knock)
H. I'll get it
As Herman opens the door he hears the humming of the song "I need to let you know"
H. Leon it's so good to see you
Le. Hello Herman
H. Aren't you a little early
L. Yes but I have a very important question to ask you
H. Of course come in
As they sit down at the table Leon takes a little black box out of his right pocket and puts it in front of Herman's hand.
Le. Mr.Castillo I would like to know if I am able to marry your daughter
H. Leon you know that I have the up most respect for so yes you are able to ask Violetta if she will marry you
When Leon got up from his chair he hugged Herman and picked him up.
H. Violetta Leon is here
They both heard an excited squeal as the small girl came racing down the stairs when she reached the floor she ran over to Leon and hugged him as he kissed her on the forehead.
Le. Ready
V. Always
H. Have a good time


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