Friends till the end 😘

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As Fran,Violetta, Federico,and Deigo entered the dark house the radio started playing "We grew up together." They heard the flick of a switch
As the lights turned on Violetta and Francesca saw their friends Camilla Broduey Ludmilla Maxi Naty Andre Angie Herman Ramallo and Olga.
V. OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!
F. Guys!
Cami and Naty went up to Violetta and then hugged them after came ludmila Maxi Andre and Broduey then Violettas parents and finally  Olga and Ramallo.
C,N&L. We missed you so much!!
F&V. Us 2
O. My little girl (starts crying)
V. Oh Olga
H&A. How have you been?
V. Good I missed you
Maxi hugged Violetta for so long.
V. Is Leon here?
All. Um........
L. He couldn't make it but we know he wanted to right guys?
All. Ya
Fe. Let's celebrate!!

5 HOURS LATER..............
V to L&F. That was fun I missed everyone so much i wished leon was there
L. Yeah Leon wasn't hear
V. He couldn't make it right?
L. Well I kinda lied about that
V. WHAT?!?!
L. Don't get upset I invited him but he said he might not come at all because he doesn't want to talk to you after you cheated on him
V. I didn't cheat on him he thought I was with Andre but we were just planning a surprise for Leon's birthday
L. Ohhh well maybe you could go talk to him he is at his parents house right now
V. I think I might do just that
Fran and ludmi exchange worried looks

In Leon's garage..
Music for find more tears
"Sometimes I feel like there is no one who sees me no one is there who no's what's needed to please me but then maybe maybe that one could be you I got to fin.."
Loud knock on door Leon's turns off his mp3 player and opens the door...

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