Chapter 2- You don't mean that

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"Don't call me that" I whisper
"Ok princess," he says with his smirk growing bigger.
"Are you trying to piss me off"I turn to face him and send dangers of hate straight into his eyes.
"That wasn't my original intention but your cute when your mad so, yes I'm trying to piss you off, princess," he says with a face full of joy and happiness...and it makes me want to throw up.
"Ok pretty boy, you're starting to make me angry, so can you do me a favor and please close your damn mouth,"I say as I turn my face to look back at the front of the room.
"Aw you think I'm pretty," he says with his hand in his heart pretending to be touched.
"Shut-the-hell-up," I say one word at a time.
"Your no fun princess" he pouts
"What's your definition of fun" I mumble in annoyance trying to make it obvious I don't want to talk.
"Me" Conner smirks with a glint in his grey eyes making it hard to look away.
"That's where I disagree with you bud" I whisper while Mr.smith talks about to do with Shakespeare.
"Did you just friend zone me"Conner flings his hand over his chest in fake hurt.
"I must have given the wrong impression. I don't want to talk to you much less be your friend." I say with a forced smile dancing across my face. I turn my head to face the teacher to try and pay attention.
"What was the irony of Juliet and Romeo's suicides,"Mr.Smith asks towards the class. Conners' hand fly up beside me making me flinch from the sudden movement.
"The irony in their deaths is the fact that if Romeo would have waited less then a minute, Juliet would have awoken and they would have run off with each other. But since he was so devastated by his true loves death he took his own life, then, of course, Juliet woke up to find him dead then she killed her self" Conner he can read...then why the hell cant he read the signs I'm giving him.
"Very good..."Mr.Smith trails off waiting for Conner to tell him his name.
"Conner" he answers quickly.
"Well welcome to the class Conner" Mr.Smith greets him, I roll my eyes and put my face in my hands trying to hide my annoyed expression. "Anyway, I'm assigning partners for a project that will be due in two weeks. The project you will be working on is performing Romeo and Juliet with a twist. Your performance must be five minutes long and I will need a hard copy of your script" Mr.Smith announces making me bury my head farther into my hands and lets out an annoyed sigh. "You will be working with the person you are currently sitting next to you" he finishes making me gasp. I turn my head to the side away from Conner to see it's empty. I slowly turn my head to face Conner to see him with a slight twinkle in his grey eyes and a wide smirk plated on his face.
"You have to be kidding me" I mumble under my breath.
"Aw, princess I know you don't mean that"Conner's smirk falls to a know how everyone says you look better with a smile, Well apparently that doesn't apply to him because he's still hot and it's annoying me. 
I once again roll my eyes and face the front of the class and let myself doze off listening to Mr.Smiths lecture.


"Wake up princesses" I hear a soft voice say as a hand lightly brushes over my shoulder making me bolt my head up to face a smirking Conner on my left.

"Is there ever a time there's not a smirk on your face?" I ask as I look around the class to see it's empty."Is class over?"

"The answer to both of those questions is yes" Conner answers letting his smirk grow wider.

"Could have fooled me" I Mutter as I grab my bag and start to walk towards the open door of the classroom.

"Well I'm quite the actor," He says confidently making me roll my eyes "There is something very different about you princess, " He says as he reached my side in the hallway.

"And what do you mean by different" I laugh coldly as I try to keep my anger at bay...I don't know what it is about him but he makes me want to run off the grand canyon.

"Well, you are the first girl to not throw herself at me" He states with confusion slowly crawling its way onto his face.

"Well, that means I have self-preservation" I snort letting the laughter flow through my lungs.

"And your hiding something," He says quickly snapping me out of my laughing fit. I snap my head to the side to look at him as we reach the cafeteria. "I knew it" He whispers as he takes in my reaction.

"Whatever" I blow it off and quickly walk through the lunchroom doors revealing a room full of people and greasy food,I like only one  of those things and it's definitely not the people. I walk completely through the doors letting them swing closed behind me finally separating Conner and me.

I make my way to the far left corner of the large room on the very back table to see my only two friends sitting at the table eating their fries and pizza.

I have exactly two friends they are the only friends I have ever had and probably the only friends I'll have..I'm not exactly an easy person to get along with. 

Jeremy Gavin, one of my two friends, he has longish brown hair that rests right above his eyebrows and big doughy brown eyes.  He is the sweetest guy you will ever meet in your life, but he's a pushover.He will pretty much do anything to make someone happy. I never understood why he really cares whether people are happy or not.He is the only person that can make me generally happy well except for his little sister.

Carrie Gavin, the second of my two friends, Jeremy's sixteen-year-old sister. She has long bright red hair and bright blue eyes.  Yeah, I know they don't look remotely related. But anyway she is the funniest person I know, She never fails to brighten my day even when I don't want it to be.

And that leaves me, Ava winters, I have plain brown hair that ends in the middle of my back and boring blue eyes. I hate almost everyone who is in this entire school building. I honestly don't know why Jeremy and Carrie even deal with me.

"Hey, Ava" Carrie sings in a cheerful voice almost making me roll my eyes in disgust of her good mood.

"Ugh," I grunt and plop into the bench attached to the table.

"How are you already pissed off, you've only been in school for three hours" Jeremy questions with humor in his voice. He never fails to somehow always be happy, I don't understand how he can always be happy like that. Doesn't smiling hurt after a while?

"Exactly" I mutter and let my head fall to the table.

"Awh, poor Av-woah why is everyone staring at us," Carrie says letting her voice fall into a hushed whisper.

"The bigger question is why the new guy is walking towards us," Jeremy says making me snap my head up and look behind me to see Conner's tall frame make his way towards me with everyone's eyes following him.

"Hey Princess," Conner says as he reaches the table and places a tray next to me and  one in front of me.

"What the hell are you doing," I say through gritted teeth as I look at the tray full of fries and an apple. I look back at Conner as he sits down next to me and places a fry into his mouth..

"I'm eating my lunch" He answers

I look in front of me to see Carrie staring at Conner dreamily as Jeremy gives him a slight glare surprising me.

"Can't you do that at the jock table with your future best friends?" I say as I let the angry words slide off my tongue.

"How do you know I'm a jock, you don't know me, " Conner says with a hint of offense in his voice.

"Sure I do. You're the new guy you look strong so I'm going to say you play football or maybe Baseball I heard you played Baseball. Your going to be best friends with Zack Coleen in the span of two days and you'll probably date Bethany Steal within two weeks it might even take a month for you to get past her bitchiness.  You will get some sports scholarship to some local college, Bam I'm a fucking fortune teller"  I  wave and point to people as I mention them and watch as Conner follows my hand motion and widens his mouth in awe.

"I actually play both," He says as he finally registers  what I had said

"That's seriously all you got from that"Carrie laughs filling the quiet room with the sound of her laughter.She quickly shuts up as I glare at her, I look over to Jeremy playing with a fry with a mopey expression.

"Just do me a favor and stay on your side of the social pyramid and I will stay on mine," I say as I get up and walk out of the lunchroom leaving my friends, all the staring eyes, and a very confused Conner behind me.

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