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The Signs At School.

Aries: tries to seem cool and like they don't care about school but secretly cares a LOT and often gets really stressed because of it

Taurus: it changes. they have stages when they don't do any homework and talk about dropping out and then they have stages when they do really well and have a lot of energy for schoolwork

Gemini: the type of person who sits with all their stationery, notebooks, books, laptop and perhaps even snacks neatly placed on the table but ends up not doing anything. loves talking to their classmates

Cancer: sits nicely and often does all their work quite properly, loves raising their hand every now and then to say something smart about something they know a lot about

Leo: probably doesn't give a fuck for the most part, lives for art and music or P.E. (or all three of them!), loves annoying their friends

Virgo: very quiet mostly, probably went through a phase when they seriously considered dropping out, pretends to be sick quite often so that they can skip school

Libra: the kid who sits on tumblr all.the.time. but somehow still gets great grades?? and manages to listen and pick up on almost everything the teacher says?? seriously it's a mystery

Scorpio: can't work without their music. loves getting things done then and there instead of doing it at home later

Sagittarius: has a lot of trouble paying attention to things they're not interested in and loves talking to their friends in those moments. big difference in grades when it comes to subjects they're interested in and subjects they hate, secretly ambitious

Capricorn: hard-working and determined, often takes on way too much schoolwork, takes a lot of breaks

Aquarius: the kid who sits in the back corner sighing and complaining until they just pop in their earbuds and watch Netflix instead

Pisces: so good at almost everything? works very hard and has a lot of motivation, one of the few who actually starts to study for tests and exams in time, often has a good relationship with at least one of the teachers, basically a nerd

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