****Comment Your Opinion****

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*So I was thinking of doing a separate book for the Zodiac House stories so it wont get in the way of the actual Zodiac/Loud House match-ups and so people who actually like reading long passages can read them there. But then again I'd like to see what you guys think about this first...*

-Should I make a separate book called 'The Zodiac House'?


-Should I keep They Zodiac House stories in here?

Please comment below if you feel like it and tell me what you think I should do, because I really like writing The Zodiac House scenarios, its fun!

*For those who don't know what The Zodiac House is, they're scenarios I write featuring the Zodiacs living life together as siblings, {similar to The Loud House}, and their chaotic ways.

***Sorry about the long message and thanks again for reading The Loud House Zodiac! :)***

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